“I beg your pardon. Mr. McCree?”

“Who else would it be? You snatch that many girls off the street and make them do all types of ungodly things.”

“Who have you been talking to?”

“That’s none of your damn business.”

“How can I ease your mind when you’re calling me at two in the morning with wild accusations? You think that I’d answer my phone if I was someone who’d forced your daughter off the street? I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt because I know you love your daughter and this was sprung on you at the last minute, but don’t you ever in your life speak to me that way again.”

“Well, why is she not answering her phone? If you’re not running some type of cult, tell me why she’s not answering her phone for me and her family?”

“Give me a moment.”

I got out of bed and stepped into my house shoes. I couldn’t believe that I was doing this; getting ready to let a father speak with his daughter on my phone. That had never happened to me before. When I approached Greysen’s room, I could hear the TV on some type of game show and her laughing hard. When I tapped on the door, the TV muted and I heard her shuffling out of bed. When she pulled the door open, she gasped, looking me up and down. I was only in a pair of briefs.

She poked her head out the door, not letting me see her full body. “Hi.”

“Your father would like to talk to you.”

I put the phone on speaker and held it to her lips.


“Grey,” he sighed. “I’ve been calling you and calling you. Why haven’t you answered?”

She twisted her lips up. “We didn’t leave on good terms and I didn’t want to hear you fuss, Dad.”

“I just wanted to know if you were okay. Are you okay? I talked to Kyle.”

She scoffed.

“And he told me some uncomfortable things about that Danger family.”

I raised my eyebrow.

“Why are you talking to Kyle anyway? He doesn’t need to be worried about me. I am fine!”

“I don’t wanna fight. I just want to know if you’re ever in real danger or fear of your life, will you promise to come home and not stay out of spite?”

“Dad. I promise.”

“Okay. Is he listening?”

Her eyes flicked to mine. “No. He walked away.”

“Baby, that man is dangerous. His family is in like a sex cult or something, Kyle said. He said that he’s worried about you. You didn’t join a sex cult, did you?”

“Dad, no. Tell Kyle to focus on marrying my cousin and leave me alone. I am fine. Now that I know you don’t want to fuss, I will answer my phone. Don’t call me about anything Kyle says, please.”

“Okay. Okay. Okay. Just call me at least once a day. Can you do that?”

“Yes. I love you, Dad. Now go to bed.”

She tapped my phone and then ended the call.

“Diesel, I am so sorry. Kyle only talked to my dad because I blocked him when he wrote me from a fake page on Instagram.”

“It’s fine. I gave him my personal number to use. Everything might not be fine for that ex-husband of yours.”