He came and sat next to me on the couch. “You straight?”

I nodded my head, but I was anything but straight. I’d never had an orgasm like that before, let alone from just fingers.

“When’s the last time you had sex?”

“Honestly, I stopped counting, but I think nearly three years. I think. Maybe longer.”

“Oh. Sorry to hear that.”

Rolling my eyes slightly, I said, “I bet.”

“And when’s the last time you touched yourself?”

“Since before you banned me from touching myself? Probably about three months ago.”

“And why did you play with yourself then?”

“Oh my God! Do we have to talk about this?”

“No, we don’t, but I’m asking.”

“So, you can be in my business, but I can’t—”

“Absolutely,” he cut off, making me roll my eyes to the ceiling. “So…”

I was thankful for the knock on the door.

“Come in.”

In walked a tall, brown beauty in a pair of tiny biker shorts and a small baby t-shirt, carrying a tray with drinks on it.

“Mr. Danger.” She nodded and smiled at me before placing the drinks on the table. “If you need anything else, just let me know.”

“While you’re here, can you grab me and my lady some of those jerk turkey wings and fries with the aioli sauce? And…” he looked at me. “Give me a Cosmo, with the meal.”

“Got it.”

“Are you going to be a good girl and keep it on the table?”

“Am I going to live that down?”

“Not until I get those stains out my shirt.”

He leaned forward and grabbed both of our drinks. He handed me the water while he took a sip of whatever his brown was.

He sat back and turned his body toward me.

“It’s okay to look at me. I prefer it, actually. That’s a conversation I only want to have once.”

I positioned my body so I could look at him. Every word that came out of his mouth was so demanding.

“That’s better. So, when you played with yourself, tell me about it. What happened?”

“Um…” I took a sip of my water. “It was just a video that I’d seen on Twitter. A porn video of a tall, thick muscular man like yourself fucking a super thick woman like myself. It had been a while for me and yeah… I played with myself while watching it. I was so backed up that I was late for work the following day because I’d overslept.”

“Yeah?” He scooted closer to me. The arm of the chair stopped me from moving away from him. “You saw yourself getting fucked like that.”

I nodded my head quickly.