She was probably going to tell Diesel and he’d rush here and give me a stern talking to. Or he’d probably bring me close to a nut and then leave again, like he’d been doing since the first time he’d forced me to put my hand between my legs. Back in the kitchen, I’d smiled at the box. It was similar to the one that I’d received at my house for the date as well. Carefully, I pulled the strings to the box and flipped the top back. On top of the plastic was a beautifully printed postcard that read,

Be Ready @ 8 P.M.


“Jesus Christ,” I whispered.

Pulling the paper back, I gasped at the neatly packed items. Holding up the dress, I could immediately tell that it left barely anything to the imagination. The top part was sheer, and the bottom part was leather, real beautiful cool leather. The pointy-toe stilettos were a type of velour material. What really got my attention was the diamond garter chain. Picking it up, it was so cold. The sparkle let me know that they were real diamonds. I couldn’t even feel special because he did this for every girl. Looking at my phone, it was nearing two, so I had a few hours to get myself together before I started getting dressed.

At my desk, I’d picked up the journal, and evenitfelt expensive. How could paper feel expensive? The pen that was attached to it, and that looked expensive as well. I was going to ask him what purpose that journaling was going to serve. It didn’t help years ago and it wasn’t going to help now, but it was the rules, so I had to follow them. My name was already scribbled perfectly inside of it.

Day 1/42

Um. Not sure what I am supposed to write in here. I guess I’m supposed to talk about my day. Well, I’m here, in New York, I’m not sure if by choice or force, but I’m here. I believe it’s the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. I really hope it’s worth it. Oh! I made the mean sadist mad on the plane and he tied a ball in my mouth, and I had to wear it until the ride was over. I hate to admit that it was kind of… sexy, watching him stare at me while I called him every name in the book. I’m smiling to myself because I remember one of the therapists tried to tell me to jot my feelings down and I couldn’t, but I’ve been sitting here writing for like… eight minutes. I can’t think of anything else. Well, Diesel is taking me offsite tonight and I wonder what’s that going to be like. Anyways, let me go.

I closed the journal already feeling good. I wondered if he’d be reading them. That wouldn’t surprise me because he looked like the type to need his ego stroked at all times. He probably thinks that it would be full of sweet nothings to him. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

That Evening.

It was fifteen minutes to eight and I’d just finished putting the last touches of my make-up on. Since the outfit was black, I’d gone for a smoky eye and a little silver in the corner of my eye to match the diamond garter. Since the dress went around my neck, I’d pulled my hair up, with some falling on each side of my face. Standing, I’d slipped in my shoes and marveled at myself on how good I fucking looked. At first, I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to fit in this little dress. I’m going to attribute that to the five pounds I felt I’d lost just today because I hadn’t been able to eat anything because of the nerves in my stomach. Because the top part of this dress was so sheer, I was thankful that I always kept extra sets of nipple covers. After snapping a few pictures and sending them to Elle, I grabbed my clutch, slipping my phone inside.

The butterflies in my stomach amped up the moment I’d stepped out of the room. I knew he was here because I just so happened to be walking to the kitchen to get another bottle of water when I’d heard the elevator doors close. I didn’t have to see him either because after a little exploring of his house, I knew that he slept on the other side of the house. His room was like twice the size of mine and even though he hadn’t been here in a couple days, it still smelled just like him. Approaching the end of the hall, I could see him standing behind the couch fumbling with something and his phone at the same time. I inhaled slightly because he looked so fucking good. He had on a different black suit from this morning. This one was more casual with a plain white t-shirt under it. From the way his brown belt was showing, I already knew that he had on brown shoes. He made everything he put on look so fucking good. When he finally noticed me, he looked at me, did a double take, then a triple, and then when he did a fourth take, he eyed me until I’d walked up to him.

“Gosh, Diesel. Do I look okay? Why are you looking at me like that?” I tugged at the dress.

“Don’t touch that fucking dress. I like it like that. You look fucking great, Ms. Greysen.”

“Thank you for this. You seem to always know what to pick for me. You have a good eye.”

“I agree, but there is one thing…”

He took a step closer to me and reached his hand inside my dress, tugging at the nipple cover. Staring into my eyes, he slowly pulled the left nipple covering off. As hard as it was getting, it would have come off on its own. My lips slipped apart when he gave my nipple a little squeeze. The way he was staring at me, I thought that I was about to get my kiss for today.

“Oh, my apologies, you said the right one was your spot. Correct?”

“Yes… yes, Sir,” I choked out.

He pulled the right one off even slower.

“Oh.” I gasped when he pinched it, harder than he’d done the left one.

When I shifted, he removed his hand from my dress.

“Now, that’s better.”

Looking down, my gumdrop size nipples were on full display. I looked up at him in horror.

“People are going to see this, Diesel.”

He smirked. “I know.”

Immediately, my mind went to someone taking a picture of me in public and posting me in one of those groups likePeople of Wal-Mart.Not caring about the breakdown that I was close to having, Diesel grabbed my wrist and attached a black band to it. He held his phone near the band and on his screen were a few bars fluctuating up and down.

“This stays on. Class. Work out. Sleep. Shower. Eat.”

“Got it. A tracker?”

“Yes. Are you ready?”