“No. Dietary restrictions. The chef comes every morning, leaves an afternoon snack, and then comes for dinner. If you want something specific, just let her know and she’ll accommodate. Oh! It must be on this approved list.”
She slid the paper in front of me. Scanning the list, there wasn’t anything but healthy foods on it. There wasn’t one fried food on it. I already knew that on my off days, I’d order out.
“Here is your key card. Y’all came up on the private elevator. Your driver is going to be the man who drove you from the airport, Mr. Tom. Um, yadda, yadda, yadda, oh, a courier will come up and give you a box for tonight.”
“Yes. It should have been discussed already.”
“Oh yeah. The offsite thing. Is he always so punctual? So… straight-forward. So… you know.”
She nodded her head. “For the most part. All he knows is numbers and logic. That’s who he’s been since before M.I.T.”
“Wait.TheM.I.T.? He went to Massachusetts Institute of Technology.”
With a confused look on her face, she nodded her head. “You didn’t Google him?”
“Yes and no. Not like that. I just looked at his social media. In one of his bios, he got mathematician in it, but I never would have thought that school. Wow.”
“Yeah, so is there anything else that you need for me, right now? Oh yeah, here is this.” She pulled a binder out of the island drawer. “This is for the restaurants and stuff scattered throughout the building. You got twenty-four-hour room service. Unlimited spa treatments, but you have to make an appointment first. Boss has a small gym in here, but you’ll be meeting with a trainer three or four days out the week down on the 50thfloor.”
“Oh my God. This is going to be like a full-time job?”
Before she could respond, she pulled her phone from her pocket.
“Yeah,” she answered. “Okay.” She slipped her phone back in her pocket. “That was the courier. After he leaves, I’ll leave you to journal and then get ready for tonight.”
“Um, can you tell me what is going to happen tonight?”
“No, I can’t.”
“Why, not? I want to know what to expect. You don’t have to tell me everything.”
“I can’t tell you because I don’t know what’s happening tonight. He doesn’t let me in that part of his business.”
I pushed some of my hair behind my ear. “And he’s like this witheverygirl he gets?”
She nodded her head. “Honestly…” the elevator pinged. “I’m going to tell you what I tell every girl. Just enjoy your time here. He’s very generous and you can and will have the time of your life, if you don’t have any expectations besides having good sex.”
“Oh. I see.”
The courier made his way around the corner with a box in his hand.
Mona tapped the island. “You can set it right here. And hold the elevator when you go back out.” She signed the machine and he’d left the kitchen. “Okay, you have your key card. Tonight, when you get home, your credit card and the list of the stores that he has an account with will be on your desk. I am going to send you a text with my phone number, and you can text me anytime you have a question or something.”
“Oh, what are your office hours?”
She smiled at me. “I don’t have any.”
She started out of the kitchen, and I skipped a couple times to catch up with her fast strides. “So, you’re just on-call, whenever, however…”
“Yes. He pays me well.”
“How,” tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop myself.
The courier moved out of the way as she stepped on the elevator and turned around, smashing the button.
“I haven’t fucked my boss, Ms. Greysen,” she said as the doors closed.