“That’s why I’m here.”

“Jesus Christ!” I yelped at Mona who stood there with a stoic look on her face. “You scared the… goddamn it.” I held my hand against my heart until I’d calmed down.

“Hello. Diesel sent me here.”

How she could remain so casual when she nearly scared me into a heart attack was beyond me. She was dressed the same as she was the last time I’d seen her; black pants, white shirt, and black blazer, and a pair of black shoes.

“I’m sure. Sent you here for what?”

“Just to get you acquainted.” She picked up the folder that was on the island.

I hadn’t even heard her set the folder on the island.

“Okay, follow me,” she ordered. “I take it this is as far as you have gone.”

Leading me down the hall, her short quick pace was a little hard to keep up. She walked in a room and hit the light.

“This is where you’ll be sleeping.”


This bedroom was nearly bigger, if not bigger than my whole house. There was a king-sized bed up against the wall and flat screen TV across the room on the other wall. In the middle of the floor was a love seat and chair combo. It was like a mini house in one room. I walked across the room to the desk that was in the corner facing the window.

“On that desk, you’ll find your books for class and your syllabus. The laptop is yours. If you prefer to work on a bigger computer, there is an office with an iMac in it down the hall. I’ll show you that. And the yellow journal is yours for you to do your writing in daily. Do you remember your morning schedule? Journaling and working out?”

Ignoring her, my feet led me into the closet. The light popped on and my jaw nearly hit my chest. The closet was like a boutique. The clothes were color coordinated going from spring to summer. There were pants, shorts, blazers, and the shoes… I drooled a little at the shoes. There were designer names that I’d heard of, but never thought I’d be able to afford.

“If you need help styling anything, the style book is near the mirror,” Mona said from the outside. “And those are yours when this is over.” She’d reminded me that I’d only be living like a rich bitch for a month and a half.

“And he does this for every… you know?” I queried, walking out of the closet.

“He’s very generous.”

Glancing at her, she was leaning against the wall, staring at her fingertips. Looking her up and down, she had a nice little petite body. Her skin looked perfect and there wasn’t a hair out of place on her head. For a split second, I wondered if she and Diesel had ever hooked up. If so, I knew he took her little ass on the ride of her life.

Would he really have one of his women taking care of the rest of us? Yeah, that’s some shit he would do to stroke his ego.

When her eyes flicked to me, I immediately turned my head.

“Go ‘head. Ask me.”

I moved my lips from side to side, trying to loosen up the tightness in my cheeks, so they wouldn’t change colors.

“I don’t have anything to ask.”

“Your face is telling me something. You wanna know if I’ve fucked my boss and the answer is no.”

“Okay. I wasn’t going to ask that,” I said, hoping I’d been convincing enough. “But since you volunteered, he probably pays you to say that. To ease our minds. He has an ego problem like that. I’m sure you know.”

Her lips spread across her face, without showing her teeth. That was the first emotion I’d seen her show.

“He’s more like… a big brother. Annoying, but good at what he does. There has never and will never be a thing between us. Come…” she waved for me to follow her out of the room. “Do you have any allergies? Or foods you absolutely hate?”

“Not that I can think of.”

She led me back to the island. She opened the folder and pulled out some papers.

“More rules?”