I grinned. “That defiant little mouth of yours is going to get you in a world of trouble, young lady.”
She cleared her throat before getting out of the seat and easing on the floor in between our seats. Leaning over the seat, she hooked her hands into her waistband. The slow tease was getting ready to have me busting out of the center of my pants.
“While I’m doing this, Sir, I need to tell you that I am going to have male friends,” she spoke as she pushed her leggings down.
She didn’t have on any underwear, so I got a full view of her fat ass pussy. Though she had on a thong yesterday, her swollen wet lips swallowed it up with ease. The purple and red marks were beautiful on her round light brown ass. If I didn’t have a meeting when I landed, I’d jack my dick off. I stared at her ass in a trance until she’d started speaking again.
“Did you hear what I said?”
I blinked. “About you having male friends? Sure. I heard you, but that don’t mean you won’t get your ass tapped if I catch a non-approved male in your presence.”
She pulled her leggings up and hopped back in her seat, glaring at me, squinting those big eyes like they could ever be scary, only sexier.
“And what does non-approved mean?”
I crossed my legs and turned toward her. “Non-approved.Opposite of approved. You sure education is your thing, Babygirl?”
She sighed. “I don’t understand what you mean by that because how are you going toapproveof a man I meet. Like what are the qualifications that a man has to meet to be my friend? What if I have a group project at school and a man in my group isnon-approved, are you going to march to the professor and demand a change or make me fail the assignment. And why though? If you giving out free room and board, dick, unlimited shopping sprees, and whatever else we get, why you worried about your subs straying, unless…” She looked at my crotch and then back into my eyes. “You’re overcompensating and the pomp and circumstance of a sex life you have is a façade because you can’t really please the way you want.”
“Pomp and circumstance of a sex life is something that I’ve never heard before. That is very good, Ms. Greysen.”
She scoffed and looked out the window.
“Either way, you’ll find out who’s approved and non-approved in either a good way, or a bad way.”
“Ugh. Meanwhile, I’ll probably have to deal with a whole bunch of women clawing at you. Your rules suck, Sir.”
I chuckled.
“Your first private jet ride,” I said as we turned into the private jet strip.
She looked at me. “Nope. I’ve been on bigger.”
“None of your business.”
Quickly, I searched my brain to see if I had anything stored with Greysen being with a rich suitor. Mona and Rozay did extensive background searches that included reverse searches on pictures and seeing if it matched with anyone else’s. You only needed the slightest bit of image to match. None of Greysen’s pictures matched with anyone that would have a bigger jet than that one. She was just trying to see if she could get under my skin. The driver came to a stop and let us out the truck.
“Is the private jet how you woo the women?”
I grinned. “Is that what you think? You werewoo’dbefore you knew about the private jet.”
Once we were seated on the jet, she asked, “What’s your quota?”
“I’m sorry? I don’t follow.”
She feigned shock. “The self-proclaimed mathematician doesn’t know what the word quota means. Yeah, I was looking at some of your Instagram posts. You do follow. How many women do you go through in a year? Like how often you ship us in and ship us out. I know you said some don’t even make it to six weeks, so…”
I ran my tongue across the top row of my teeth. “I’m going to love taming that mouth of yours.”
She folded her lips in her mouth, making me chuckle.
“Speaking of that, I have your new manual, with the changes that we agreed upon. The only thing that’s still blank is the gifts that you would like afterwards.”