Dymon lit the blunt himself and pulled on it. He leaned across the bar and blew the smoke in her face, making me shake my head. When he handed me the blunt, I pulled on it.
“There you go. Have a good—”
She cut him off by leaning in between the stools with her elbows resting on the bar, staring at me.
I blew the smoke out. “What?”
“I heard something about you.”
“Goddamn! This town too mothafuckin’ small. What you heard?”
“Nothing really. You took Grey McCree on a date to Allen’s. How was it?”
“The food was great. Your friend was a… girl, get out of my damn business. Didn’t you leave my mama with the baby?”
She snapped her finger then pointed. “You are absolutely right. Night.”
She patted my back a few times before she left the room.
“What happened?” Dymon asked.
“She punked me!”
“Who? Grey? That’s why your shirt is like that?”
I nodded my head slowly while pulling on the blunt, inhaling deep.
He smirked. “What did she do?”
“Negotiated the manual…” I took a big sip of my drink.
He looked confused. “Isn’t that in the manual? That they are able to negotiate what’s in there.”
“You ain’t let me finish. She negotiated itagainstme. You’ll never guess what the fuck she wants and used some of my biggest kinks against at me.”
Dymon laughed. “Go on.”
I scooted my glass toward him so he could give me more.
“She wants me to kiss her…outsideof the scenes. Give her affection. Oh. Let me not forget the cuddles. She wants tosleep sleepwith me at least one night a week.”
“Damn!” Dymon laughed.
“I didn’t wanna go out like a punk, but she’d crossed out breeding first, and then went to bondage.” I took a big gulp of my drink, letting it burn all the way down. Dymon leaned against the bar waiting for me to finish. “And then when she put the pen on top of sadism, I folded.”
I shook my head while staring ahead, zoning out.
“Damn, bro. I mean, you could easily walk away.” He took a sip of his drink.
“I know. I know I can. But I don’t want to.”
“So, what the fuck we talking about then!” he stressed.
“Me finally getting played. But oh, I am going to enjoy breaking her down.”
He shook his head. My phone vibrated in my pocket. When I pulled it out, I saw that it was a voice message from Greysen. I opened and played it.
“Hi. Diesel. I know you’re not that much of a texter, so I’m sending you a voice message. I still haven’t told my parents about me supposedly moving to New York. There is no easy way to ease them into this. I’m their only child. I am only saying this because maybe if you give me a week or so to kind of tease the idea rather than springing it on them. And then I was so caught up in your bullshit that I’d forgotten all about my work. I can’t just up and leave, there are a few more weeks of school left. So, maybe push it back three weeks. At the most. I promise. I’ll even take back the cuddling. I think that’s it.” She inhaled before ending the voice message.