I squinted. “Because you only gonna have me in your house for what… six weeks before you get tired of me.”

“Most don’t last that long.”

The way he was so frank about it immediately annoyed me and it showed all over my face.

“So, you just bounce from pussy to pussy hoping they’ll be into this lifestyle?”

He blinked a couple times. “Every woman I choose is into this lifestyle and if they are not, they will be by the time I am done with them.”

I scoffed so hard. I couldn’t believe how arrogant he was. He was so blunt that it left me speechless.

He took a sip of his drink. “So, you told Mona that you needed time to think about the gifts that you wanted at the end of this.”

And his ability to carry on like he hadn’t offended me, pissed me off even more. While I stared at him, he mirrored my expression, waiting for me to speak.

“I don’t understand that. The gifts are just a what, a‘thank you’ for being my good little bitch for six weeks, but there is no need for you here anymore,”I mocked him.

His lips spread across his face before he leaned in. “You’re very very lucky that my signature is not in this manual, or you’d be across my fucking knees getting your ass whooped. Don’t you ever in your fucking life speak to me like that. Do you understand me?”

Suddenly my throat went dry and I couldn’t croak a word out. My face was hot, but my pussy was even hotter.

“I asked you a question,” he growled.


“Yes, what?”

“Sir. Yes, Sir.”

“That’s what I thought.”

The waitress came through the door with our plates on a tray balanced in front of her.

“Alright, this escargot plate is hot, so be careful.”

“Have we thought about entrees?” she asked while setting my plate in front of me.

I was still too stunned to speak.

“Miss. Two orders of lamb, please. Mashed potatoes and asparagus are fine. Medium rare for me. Medium well for her.”

She darted away from the room, leaving us alone again. Although I was pissed, I was still turned on and I hated it.

“Your gifts?” he asked calmly, like he hadn’t threatened me and turned me on at the same time.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I guess you paying for me to go to Columbia is enough. That cost a lot of money, I’m sure.”

“Oh. I hope that you’re not one of those women who say they don’t want gifts to try and impress me, trying to change me or something. That’s not happening.”

Before I could stop myself, I grabbed my Cosmo and dashed him in his face.

“How’s that for an impression, mothafucka?”

I was so fucking pissed. When I stood, he grabbed my wrist, tight.

“Let me go,” I hissed, trying to snatch from him.

He gripped tighter, “Oh no.”