“He said you were a teacher, correct?” Rozay asked.
My mouth opened and closed.
“Yes, but… I don’t know what’s going on. You’re talking faster than I am comprehending. I teach children so it’s okay to explain things to me like I am five years old.”
“This is your manual for when you become his sub,” Mona reiterated.
“I need a manual?”
“He’s thorough.”
“You’re to go through this backwards and forwards. There are a lot of questions in there for you.”
“He answers questions?” I asked, making Mona smirk a little.
“About this, yes. So, what are the things you want after this?”
“Can I get back with you on that? I’m still stuck on needing a manual.”
She smiled. “Fine. He’s made reservations for Allen’s on Saturday at 8 P.M. The driver will be outside your house at 7:30. Casual attire. To go over any questions that you may have.”
“I only have two and a half days to read over this and have a decision.”
“A decision? The decision has already been made for you,” Rozay added.
“Wow. I see.”
She pulled another piece of paper from her briefcase and placed it on top.
“This is a letter stating that you’ve received the manual and we’ve explained to you what was in it.”
My mouth opened but I shook my head while taking the pen from her. She pushed the briefcase toward me. On the piece of paper, the first thing I noticed was his immaculate signature.
Diesel Danger
After scanning the document, I realized it was a non-disclosure agreement as well as whatever Mona said it was. After I scribbled my name, both Mona and Rozay scribbled their names on the sheet of paper.
“So, is that it?” I asked.
Both of them nodded their heads. Rozay opened the door for me.
“So, what now?” I asked once I was outside the truck.
Mona grinned. “We see you in New York.”
Rozay shut the door, prompting the driver to pull off. New York. Freaking New York. I couldn’t just up and move. The door of my old Corolla creaked when I opened it.
“Maybe I should ask his ass for a car. Mona did say that I could have whatever I wanted,” I thought aloud.
The whole drive home, I was in my own thoughts. The manual was burning a hole in my bag. I could only imagine the shit that Diesel’s arrogant ass put in it. The nerve of him to send his little agent lookalikes to me like he was too damn busy to come and see me. Granted he probably was, but that’s beside the point. When I turned on my street, my grams’ car was in the yard. I was already pre-annoyed for whatever she was going to say to me when I walked in the door. I hadn’t spoken to my mom nor my grams about the ordeal at the engagement party so now that they were together, I knew that they’d have plenty to say.
After parking my car, I got out, holding my bag close to me, guarding the manual as if it was the original Bible. I’d successfully snuck in the house, but my gram was coming out of the bathroom.