Her mouth opened but not a sound came out. She stood up, still nearly a foot shorter than me. I didn’t think her cheeks could get redder. She was so beautiful to me. She’d be even more beautiful on her knees with my dick in her mouth. With several more layers of sweat covering her body. If it wasn’t so hot out here, I’d think that it was me who was making her sweat.

“And what if I say no? You can’t just… come here and say something like that, and then just run off into the sunset. I don’t even know you.”

“Then, Ms. Greysen, you just say no.”

Eying the bead of sweat rolling down in her cleavage made me inadvertently lick my lips. She inhaled slightly.

“I’m not forcing you to say yes…yet.”

The gasp was more apparent.

“I’ll be in touch,” I said before jogging away, leaving her standing there with her mouth open.

Later that night…

Standing in the middle of my room, I stared at the wall of information that I’d compiled of Greysen. I’d been working on it since I been back in New York. In the middle of the wall was the latest picture that she’d posted on her social media. She’d posted it today with the captionbeen a while.That wasn’t a lie because before that, it was a picture of a baby’s foot with the caption,God, this is a pain that I’ll never understand. I’ll never be the same. A piece of me is gone forever.It had thousands of likes and comments. That was in 2018. I couldn’t believe that she went years without posting a single picture. The pictures before that were pictures of her beautiful and pregnant. Although she was pregnant, she didn’t look happy. She looked miserable To me, that meant her piece of shit ex-husband wasn’t even a good husband during her pregnancy. Speaking of her ex-husband, I didn’t miss his follow on my Instagram.

Branched off from her picture, I’d written down a few things that I’d make her do, and one of them was to journal. I could tell that she had so many unresolved feelings for several people in her life and she needed to get them out. I’d also written down Columbia, so she could take a few Summer classes here. I’d already called my contact here to get her enrolled. Going further back into her social media history, I could tell that she loved teaching. It was pretty much all she talked about, her friendship with her best friend Elle, and her husband. Out of curiosity, I scrolled his, and his posts about her stopped around the time that he’d finished with dental school. That’s when his ego skyrocketed. I already knew.

Pulling my vibrating phone from my pocket, I saw that Rachel was calling. I ignored it and immediately went into my address book to block her from calling me. Most of them called for weeks until they finally got the picture. I took a sip of my Don Julio as I studied the wall, making sure I hadn’t forgotten anything. Ms. Greysen was going to be easy, so I knew I’d be bored of her in six weeks or maybe even less. When my phone vibrated again, I pulled it from my pocket to see that I had a message from Ms. Greysen.

MG:Hi. I just want to tell you that I am not going to be your sub. I think it’s kind of insulting that you can think that you will just tell me what I’m going to do. Like, you didn’t even ask. You just said what I am going to do.

Instead of replying, I called her. She picked up on the second ring. There was a lot of shuffling in her background before she finally said something.


“Ms. Greysen.”

She cleared her throat. “Yes.”

“What do you have on?”

“Huh… what?” She cleared her throat.

“If you canhuhandwhat, you can also hear.”

“Um, did you get a text?” she whispered.

“I did. Is that what I asked though?”

She didn’t say anything, which gave me time to walk over to my desk and get comfortable.

“Ms. Greysen?”

“Yes,” she squeaked out.

“What do you have on?”

“A gown. It’s after twelve and I have work in the morning.”

I sipped my drink before picking up my blunt from my ashtray and lighting it. After a long inhale, I blew out the smoke and laid back in my chair.

“What’s under the gown?”

She gasped. Just from that sound, I knew that her cheeks were reddening. That light brown skin was such a turn-on for me because those rosy cheeks were going to make it hard for her to hide any emotion.

I lowered my voice. “Ms. Greysen, talk to me, baby.”