“Hi,” she squeaked before clearing her throat. “Diesel. Hello.”

“Hey. Tell me about yourself.”

Her lips parted before her mouth opened and closed. Her eyes blinked rapidly. One thing I loved was catching women off guard, just to gauge what kind of person they were. If they answered quickly, I knew that they were either overconfident or lying, or both, which wouldn’t work for me. No offense to the overconfident women, but in this situation, those are the women who would jump into this thinking they could change me and end up getting their feelings hurt. Over the years, I’ve had a handful of Rachels, and that usually came from the overconfident women. Rachel was the exception. I didn’t know what I missed in her.

“I’m sorry. Is there any way that you can ask me questions?”

“No. Tell me about yourself.”

The waitress saved her by walking over to the table.

“Just a water, bottled please, thank you,” I said before she could pull her mini tablet from her apron.

“I’m twenty-six. I am a teacher’s aide for a few days out the week at the elementary school, first and second grade. McCree is my last name. Um… I really don’t know what else. I kinda like gave you a very embarrassing life story last night.”

She took a sip of the water when the waitress brought me back my water. Cracking the top, I gulped down most of it before setting it on the table.

“Why was that embarrassing?”

“I basically told you that I’d planned on killing myself because my ex-husband and cousin were getting married.”

“Uh-huh, you did. I asked why that was embarrassing.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I never thought I’d see you again, so that’s the main reason why it was embarrassing.”

“Yeah? You know you didn’t have to see me again? What made you come?”

Her cheeks started to turn red.

I leaned in. “And don’t lie to me either. Don’t look at the table. Look at me.”

Her eyes shifted toward me.

“I…” She cleared her throat. “I… just wanted to…” She cleared her throat. “The way you’re looking at me is making me very nervous… Sir.”

My eyes automatically closed hearing her call me Sir. I didn’t think that it would catch me off guard again, the same way it did last night. When I opened them, her cheeks were very red.

“Why is it making you nervous, Ms. Greysen?”

She swallowed. “I’m…I’m not sure, Sir,” came out just above a whisper.

When she ran her tongue over her lips, my dick twitched. This consultation was over, my dick had given me the answer that I needed.

“Ms. Greysen, I am going to be honest with you, I am a dominant.” Her eyes widened. “And after talking with you, you’re going to be my sub. I’ll be in touch.”

There was a pregnant pause as she was just realizing what I’d said. “Wait!” she shrieked when I stood up.

I stared down at her while pulling the singles from my pocket, placing them on the table.

“But I didn’t agree to that.”

“You will.”

“How do you know that?”

I smiled before pulling my shirt over my head.

“Because you are sitting here, Ms. Greysen.”