“Yeah, if you want, while I get the kitchen cleaned. You know her nosy self is not going to go to sleep. Swear she be missing you the moment she don’t smell you.”
Quinci unstrapped her and handed her to him. She knew the moment she was in her dad’s hands because she smiled, showing off the deepest dimples.
“If y’all two nutcases didn’t do anything else, y’all made me the prettiest niece in the world.”
“Look at me,” they both said at the same time, prompting them to look at each other and laugh.
“Let me get away from y’all. That shit feels like it might be contagious or some shit.”
While they talked, I walked off the patio, further into the backyard so I could call Greysen. If I had to guess, she’d let it ring three times because she didn’t want to seem as if she was clingy.
“One… two…” I smirked when she picked up.
I loved her type.
“Hi. Hello. Sir. Diesel,” she stuttered.
I smirked. Her voice sounded like a teacher’s voice. A sexy teacher’s voice at that. One that made you want to pay attention and hang on to every word that she was saying.
“Where are you?”
“Um…” She paused.
“You’re either going to lie or tell me the truth. Either way, meet me at that seafood place on the beach.”
I ended the call in the middle of her telling me that she’d see me soon. Slipping my phone in my pocket, I went back on the patio to see Kemba coming out of the door.
“What’s up,” Kemba spoke, dapping me up.
“Can’t call it. You good?”
“Won’t complain. You about to get out of here.”
“Yeah, later though.”
“Alright. Be easy, if I don’t see you again before you leave.”
Walking in the house, I found Quinci and Dymon sitting in the dining room on their respective laptops. She was still his secretary and worked her ass off for him, hardly taking a day off. Dymon had to damn near take the laptop and phone from her while she was in labor. His sprung ass loved bragging on her in her meetings.
“Where you headed, Uncle Diesel?”
“To see a man about some oranges.”
She rolled her eyes at me, making me laugh.
In my room, I’d gotten undressed and put on my Nike running shorts. Because I was going to run shirtless, I wrapped it around my waist to put on once I got to the seafood place. Once I was done, I grabbed my AirPods and headed out the door. The distance to the seafood place was a six-mile run. After adjusting my playlist, I started my run.
When Dymon first told me of his plans to build a home here in Citrus Grove for him and Quinci, I thought he was out of his mind. He’d been a city boy his entire life, and there was no way that he was exchanging the fast life for a damn horse and buggy life. Honestly, I’d shamed him for it a thousand times until I’d visited for the first time. The vibe was cool. The weather was perfect to me. The people were annoyingly nice and kind. These folks did not lock their doors, left their cars running at the gas station, spoke every time they seen you, and fed you… a lot. Their love language was food. Quinci’s grandmas and mama cooked so much damn food for Christmas that I nearly gained at least five pounds, and everything tasted perfect. I didn’t think I’d ever had a good homecooked meal like that. And then there was the grove; the many rows of orange and lemon trees made for a beautiful backdrop.
Nearing the seafood place, I’d slowed from a run to jog to bring my heart rate down. Approaching, I could see Greysen sitting outside under the large umbrella with a glass of water in front of her. Her shades were pushed on top of her head and her hair hung around her light brown pie face, down into her cleavage. She was staring out into the parking lot area, so I followed her line of vision to see who or what had her attention. In the white BMW was a woman waving her hands and pointing at me. When she noticed me, she immediately jumped, straightening her shoulders. I snatched my shirt from my waist and pulled it on. Her eyes were when I could see again, making me smirk.
“Ms. Greysen,” I spoke when I made it to the table.