“Goodnight, Dymon. Dad.” He left the room.
“So, when are y’all going back, Dad? I love y’all, but my wife likes loud sex.”
I’d been so engrossed in Greysen that I hadn’t even asked my dad what was going on with him and Mom. Every time I seen them this week, they looked normal. Even when my mother was pissed at my father, she hardly ever showed it in front of us.
“We’ll be alright. She knows things are over with Kandi and surprisingly she believed it.”
“Is it?” Dymon asked.
My dad nodded his head.
“So, what happens now?”
“Well, she’s coming back to New York, but she’ll be getting her own place.”
“She loves it here, loves being around her grandchildren, but she’s a city woman through and through, and plus she misses Metri something serious.”
“And how you feel about her getting her own place?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t feel a way about it. It’s what I deserve. That was one of her conditions of taking the separation papers off the table, being able to live alone. I don’t want her to leave me, so it is what it is. That’s better than nothing.”
“I guess you’re right about that.”
I picked up my phone to see that I had a message from Grey that came in about twenty minutes ago.
MG:Can you bring something salty and sweet when you come?
I looked at Dymon. “This girl is asking for something salty and sweet. What is that? I’m not looking forward to the weird craving.”
“Well, Quinci was rationed sweets, but one night, I caught her eating a jalapeno, by itself, saying she was craving something spicy. So, honestly, that can mean anything, bro.”
“Man let me get out of here. I’ll see y’all tomorrow.”
I dapped them both up before leaving. I crept through the house and out the door.
“I hear congrats are in order.”
I turned to see my mom sitting in the corner.
“Why you sitting in the dark?”
“Ain’t nothing going to bother me out here. I’m happy for you and Greysen. She seems like a joy.”
“Yeah, she is.”
There was an awkward moment of silence.
“I know that you and your dad are thick as thieves, but if you could answer me honestly just one time, Diesel, is it really over with that woman?”
I walked over and sat in front of her.
“It’s over with Kandi, Mom.”
She repulsed at her name.
“Why should I believe you? Or him?”