“Yes, of course,” Grey responded.
She pulled her gloves off, shook my hand, and then hugged Greysen.
“I am so happy for you, Greysen. Can’t wait to see you next time, so I can find out about everything you been up to,” she said and eyed me again before leaving the room.
I grabbed a paper towel and started wiping her belly.
“You will doing virtual visits from now on. I can’t take yo’ ass nowhere.”
“How you mad atmebecause women look at me? It’s not my fault everybody in this damn town is miniature sized.”
“Compared to who? Because you and your ginormous family are not average sized human beings. Well, the males, anyway.”
I shook my head. “Come on here, so I can feed you.”
Her eyes lit up. “Dick?”
“That too.”
* * *
That Night…
“Man, run me my mothafuckin’ money,” Dymon shouted as he slammed the domino down.
After Grey’s doctor appointment, she and I were both on such a high that we didn’t want to do anything but be in each other’s arms. She didn’t want to go back to the Keys, so we got a room on the beach in Citrus Grove, ordered room service, ate, and made love. Before I put her ass to sleep the last time, I asked her if it was okay if I went to my brother’s house, and she told me to get out of her face. I never thought in a million years that I’d be asking a woman anything for real, let alone permission to go hang out with my fucking brother.
I waved him off. “Nigga, please. We ain’t even bet shit.”
Me, Dad, Declan, and Dymon were in Dymon’s man cave chilling, playing Dominoes, smoking, and taking shots. I told them that Greysen was pregnant and Dymon wanted us all to celebrate—women free. We’d been down here for a few hours, talking shit, and laughing about the old days.
“Man, I could not fucking believe it. Shit. When Diesel called me crying, I knew it was bad,” Declan said. “I love my older brother to death, but this nigga does not call me for shit, but to make sure me and Donovan good.
“I wasn’t crying.”
“Yes, you were nigga,” Dymon said, pulling on his blunt. “I ain’t never seen you so fucked up before.”
“You the only person in the world that I think could go head-to-head with me in a fight, still lose, but might get some licks in and to see you down bad like that, I felt bad. Had me tearing up and shit.”
I looked at him. “Still lose? You picked up a few dad pounds and now you think you can take me. Go get the gloves.”
He waved me off. “If I wasn’t tipsy, I’d oblige.”
My dad laughed. “How are you feeling though, son?”
“I’m shook still. I won’t feel better until I’m actually holding her in my arms. Greysen wants another girl.”
“Greysen wants another girl.In love ass nigga. I remember once upon a time, not long ago, me and a lonely man sat in this very room, and he said—”
“Shut the fuck up, Dymon.”
He threw his hands up. “Don’t get mad at me. I even offered to give you my builder’s information and you told me,it ain’t like that.Now look at you. You got a deep tan from being in this country sun.”
There was a knock on the door.