Page 186 of Captivated By Danger

Dr. York looked at her and smiled. “No. Just good news today. However, I am going to get a few ultrasound pictures. Lay back for me.”

While she set up the machine, she eyed me a couple times.

“So, what’s been going on, Greysen? It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. How have you been?”

“I’ve been doing good, Dr. York. I feel great, which is why I was so surprised when my doctor told me I was pregnant, compared to how I felt… you know. You know I was throwing up so bad, I couldn’t keep anything down.”

The moment Grey said that my chest started to constrict because I already knew what the doctor was about to say. She was going to tell Greysen that she wasn’t pregnant, and it was going to hurt us both, but I was going to keep it together for her. I kept clearing my throat, trying to keep my nerves calm. I stood and grabbed Grey’s hand, ready to comfort her, if we got bad news.

“And oh, this is Diesel… Diesel Danger, my boyfriend.”

“Diesel Danger, what a name,” Dr. York grinned, making Greysen roll her eyes a little.

“Oh, God. He already thinks he’s God’s gift, please do not give him any more ammunition, Dr. York.”

Before I could say something, she cocked her head to the side, daring me to say anything, so I didn’t. All this week, she’d been rolling her eyes at the women blatantly eye fucking me. She wanted to be the only woman to find me fine.I can’t take you nowhereis what she said every time a woman paid me a little attention. She’s threatened to send me back to New York no less than a hundred times this week. Her little act of jealousy loosened the tightness in my chest a little.

“Alright, let’s see…”

She squirted the jelly on her stomach and started rubbing the probe over her stomach. Grey’s grip on my hand tightened. Thankfully, it was her who gripped my hand tight, or I would have been the first to do it. I’d never been so fucking nervous about anything in my life. Every second that ticked by felt like a lifetime. It seemed like it was taking her forever to say something or for her to tell me what I was looking at on the screen.

“Yes. There we go,” she said with the biggest smile on her face. “There is your little peanut right there.”

I rubbed my lips slowly, in disbelief. I was speechless. That was my little peanut on the screen. Grey sniffed. I swear if I looked at her, I’d probably cry too.

“I’m really pregnant again,” she whispered.

Dr. York handed her some tissues and even pushed one in my hand. My eyes were glued to the screen. I felt like if I took my eyes off the screen, it would disappear and I would wake up from a dream.

“Diesel,” Grey called my name, but I didn’t take my eyes off the screen.

“I can print—”

“Yes, please. Multiples,” I responded.

She smiled. “Okay. I’m going to take a few and then let you get undressed so I can do the vaginal ultrasound to see how far along you are. A quick guesstimate, I’m going to say six, edging on seven weeks.”

“Wow,” Greysen whispered. “I’m really pregnant. I really can’t believe it. I can’t wait to hear her heartbeat.”

“Her?” I asked.

I watched the screen intensely as she continued to move the probe over Grey’s stomach while tapping buttons. The ultrasound photos started coming out the machines.

“Yes. Her. I would like a mini-me.”

“Well, I just want her… or him to be healthy.”

“Exactly,” Dr. York agreed.

When I was finally able to move, I took my phone out of my pocket and snapped a few pictures. I was barely able to keep it together just from looking at the ultrasound. Once I heard the heartbeat, I’d probably lose it.

The quick knocks on the door interrupted us.

“Yes,” Dr. York called out.

The nurse poked her head in the door. “One of your high-risk patients is on the way in, her water broke, and she was scheduled for cesarean next week.”

She looked at us. “I really hate to do this, but can you reschedule your complete exam for my next open appointment?”