“That small ass cupcake. You don’t eat sweets no more either?”
“Not as much, honestly. It really takes six weeks to change a habit and I’ve changed a lot.”
“Well, lucky you. Bitch, Dymon rationed out the sweets to me because he read one little study about gestational diabetes. He did it cold turkey too, I nearly died. I can only imagine how Diesel’s going to be with you. He’s way meaner and sterner than Dymon.”
“Oh, God. I can only imagine. He’s so damn scary at times.”
I smiled, thinking about Diesel as a father. He probably wouldn’t want me to do shit. Thinking of him, I checked my phone and there still was no message or call from him. I couldn’t wait to get home; I was going to curse his ass out. He ain’t been doing that much damn prepping for a baby.
“Alright y’all. It’s time for me to get to the ferry. Dymon will jet-ski over here if I miss that last one,” Quinci said.
Elle paid the bill and we walked outside. From here, my villa was walking distance. Quinci and Elle were going to take an Uber to the ferry.
“You sure you don’t want me to stay with you tonight,” Elle whined.
“I am sure. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
I hugged them both and watched until they rode away. Since I found out that I was pregnant, I’ve been on a rollercoaster of emotions. I went from thinking he would want me to get rid of the baby to him making me and Rachel live together to us getting married and having a couple more kids. Diesel would preach that I shouldn’t let anyone be in charge of my happiness but me, but I didn’t think that I could be fully excited about the baby until I saw his reaction. Of course, I would never regret my child because I truly believed that God was giving me another chance to be a mom, but I still wanted to know.
When I swiped my key card and pushed the door open, the light came on and there were boxes and boxes of flowers all over the foyer area. My mouth dropped open and my chest started to constrict. Elle and Quinci had only taken me out of the place for a few hours and I come home to my place looking like a flower shop. The gold card that readMs. Greysenin that perfect handwriting told me who they were from, as if I needed to know anyway. Dropping my bag and keys, I scooped the card open and flipped it open.
Blue Hydrangeas.
Meaning: Apology, regret.
I’m sorry for every mean, uncalled for thing that I have ever said to you. I regret making you feel anything less than what you are; beautiful, hilarious, SMART, DRIVEN, caring, honest, and open-minded. It is my hope to never ever have to send you this kind of flower again.
I pressed the card to my chest and tried to contain my sob. Kicking out of my shoes, I walked further into the living room to see the rest of the flowers. Among the sea of red roses, sticking out like a sore thumb was a black rose, and I walked over to it and picked up the card near it.
Black Rose
Meaning: Mourning
Time away from you was what I needed to start mourning the person I used to be. It’s not an easy process and will still be a challenge at times, because I was who I was for decades. You’re worth it. Every bit of this process.
When I crossed the room to the other card sitting near the red roses, I noticed Diesel outside on the balcony, facing the ocean. The door was slightly opened, so obviously he knew I was here. When I picked up the card near the red roses.
Red Roses:
Meaning: Love & Passion
The moment I laid eyes on your pretty ass, I felt something. I didn’t know what it was, still don’t, but I know what I feel now…
I love you. I’m in love with you. I want to be with you all the time. You’ve been my first and last thought every day. I want to protect you, take care of you, submit to you, and give you everything that your heart desires. I want to support you in everything you want to do. I want to see your smile every day because not only does it light up a room, but it also puts me in a better mood. I want to hear your jokes, no matter how silly, every day. I want to watch you do yoga in those unitards. This is getting stalkerish.
I love you, Greysen McCree.
When I looked out the door, he was still looking out at the ocean. My vision was blurry from the water. Making my way to the door, I slid it open.