“You must be hungry?”
“Yes, and I hadn’t had any of that since I’ve been home.”
“Oh. Do you think he’s going to text or call you on your birthday?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Honestly, I don’t know. We haven’t talked since I left his bed, so I don’t expect him to call or text. I’m still using his card daily. It hasn’t been cut off yet. I mean, I wouldn’t be mad if he did and I won’t spiral if he doesn’t, if that’s what you’re trying to hint around at.”
“Okay, girl. Just checking. You know how I am about you.”
“Yeah, I know.”
The waiting room wasn’t packed, so before I could sit down good after getting checked in, I was being called to the back. Elle insisted that she come, but I made her stay in the waiting room. The medical assistant took my weight, which was better than it’s been in years. My blood pressure was pretty low today, but I expected that because I didn’t eat much this morning. She told me to sit tight until the doctor came in.
There was a knock on the door not long after the medical assistant left me in the room.
“Greysen, how are you doing?”
“I’m okay. You?”
“I’m well. So, I know it was kind of short notice, but did you fast before you got your blood drawn?”
“Yes. Twelve hours.”
“Good. Okay, so first I want to say, congratulations! Your test results and your symptoms are pointing to you being pregnant. When we took your urine sample the other day, you must have gotten a false positive. Also, are you still tripling up on your iron?”
I nodded my head. The next several things out of her mouth were going in one ear and out of the other. Her mouth was moving, but there wasn’t anything but white noise in my ears. I remember sitting in a seat like this one, years ago, getting this same news, and being overjoyed. Today, I feel afraid, scared, anxious, and kind of alone. Of course, I knew Elle would never leave my side, but my baby father was preparing to be a father to another woman’s child. What the fuck would I say to him? Sterile my mothafuckin’ ass. Maybe that was a ploy to start up his own compound. Maybe start his own religion or something. Did he do that teary-eyed crying spiel with everyone?
“Greysen, honey.”
I blinked, focusing back on her.
“Huh? Yes.”
“You haven’t heard a word I said, have you?”
I shook my head. “I’m sorry. Truly.”
“I just said that you should schedule an appointment with your OB immediately to get the specifics and maybe they’ll want to prescribe you something for your low iron and blood pressure.”
I nodded my head. “Okay, is that it?”
I needed some air.
“Greysen, are you okay?”
“Yes. I think I am. I will call my OB as soon as I get in the car.”
“Okay. It was nice seeing you.”
It took me a moment or two to gather myself before leaving the room and heading back into the waiting room where Elle sat with her leg crossed reading a magazine. When she looked up at me, she did a double take before standing.
“What did the doctor say? You ready?”
“You didn’t say what the…” she inhaled loudly and dramatically before turning and looking at me. “Oh my God.”
“What… why are you… no,” I stuttered.