“Don’t leave yet, please,” I choked out.
“I’m just… just gonna go to the…bathroom.”
She rushed to her feet and into the bathroom. I heard the lid of the toilet slam then Grey puking her guts up. I rushed to her side.
“Grey, are you okay?”
“Get away from me!” she screamed, prompting me to back up to the panel of the door.
She threw up again and started to sob in the toilet. That shit hurt my soul. Tears pricked my eyes. I didn’t know what I could say to make her feel better. I thought I was doing what was best for her. She pulled her head out of the toilet and looked at me, eyes swollen, face wet, and snot running down her nose.
“Please, stop crying, Grey.”
“I said I didn’t want to be her. I said I’d never be on my knees again, crying over a man and here I am. I just, I was so stupid. Maybe this was your plan all along, build me up, just to tear me down again. I feel so stupid.”
When I tried to approach her, she held her hand up, stopping me.
“You’re not stupid. I’m standing here, feeling the same way.”
I held my hand out to her and reluctantly, she took it. I helped her to her feet and pulled her to me. She wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my chest.
“I said just a year, baby. Maybe less. Sure, you could stay here and continue to do what we do, but that water would get murky real fast. Still fucking on you and trying to work and trying to be a dad, would feel like I’m treating you like a side bitch. Please understand, I feel like this is what’s best for us. At least for right now.”
“Is she going to be living here with you?”
I felt her inhale.
“Are you going to have sex with her?”
“Hell no.”
“That bridge has already been burned with me. There is no going back from what she did.”
“Will you be having sex with someone else?”
“I won’t have time.”
“But what if you found time?”
“If you allow me to keep the footage, I have plenty of lube that will get the job done.”
She looked up at me.
“You’re saying that you’re not going to have sex with no other girl in a year.”
I gripped her face and pecked her lips.
“I just kissed you with vomit on your mouth. Trust me when I say, sex will be the last thing on my mind, and if I do find time to think about sex, I’ll pull some footage of us. It is my plan for you to be the last woman I have sex with.
Her eyes widened and a fresh set of tears slipped down her face.
“Yes, I could marry you, Grey. Without question.”
“But what if I meet somebody else?”