Page 161 of Captivated By Danger

“This is me working with you. Figure something out. Now, I have to go.”

“Where are you going?”

“I have to prepare for my date tonight.”

I tried to hide my smile

“Can I have a kiss?” I pushed my luck.

She leaned forward, getting inches from my face. “Friends don’t kiss.”

She sat back in the seat and let the window up. I stared in the car with the biggest smirk on my face. That was the Greysen I wanted her to be.

That Night…

It was a little after nine and I sat in the back corner of one of my favorite restaurants. With a little convincing and a lot of promises that I wouldn’t try to seduce her, and me sending her a picture of my face, telling her that I wasn’t above having her arrested, she decided to come. Yes, I was petty and could never have Grey arrested, I just needed to see and be close to her. The reservations were at nine and I’d been waiting for her for over ten minutes. I knew that she was going to be fashionably late. I said some fucked up shit to her and I had to take whatever she dished out to make herself feel better.

Today had been such an up and down day for me and I still hadn’t been able to make much sense of it. When I’d left Grey’s school, I tried to get away from going to Dymon’s house, but he told me that Quinci and Dymani were there. He knew I couldn’t get out of going to see my baby, so I went over there. Quinci claimed she felt terrible for me so she let me hold the baby longer than she normally would because, between me and Dymon, we never put her down. While I held her, I wasn’t expecting my brother to go and talk to Quinci right then, but he did. Surprisingly, Quinci came out the room, nearly sobbing, telling me that she would let Dymon do whatever he had to do to help me have a child. It was a little hard not to be emotional, especially while holding my niece.

Once I finally left his house, I scheduled Rachel an appointment to establish paternity. I heard what Dr. Barr said, but I still wasn’t going to take what he said at face value. When I sent her the appointment via email, she immediately responded, talking about I was just trying to have her arrested. Almost immediately, I sent her back the address where she was laying her head, letting her know that I could have been had her arrested. I’d been having someone keep an eye on her just in case her crazy ass went after Greysen or something. The procedure itself wasn’t that bad, but I couldn’t live in suspense for too long. If her child was mine, I needed to start moving shit around, so I could prepare to do the right thing by her and the baby. The bigger issue for me was I didn’t know how Greysen fit in that equation or if she would even want to fit in it.

“Jesus, you look like you just lost your best friend.”

My eyes flicked to see Greysen standing there looking so fucking sexy. She was in a white tank top, blue jean shorts, stopping above the knee, paired with a pink sleeveless blazer, pink hat and heels, and a Gucci purse. Immediately, I stood, handing her the flowers that I’d brought. Hugging her, I inhaled her scent. For it to be a summer night, she smelled of brown sugar and vanilla, stirring up my dick senses.

“You look so sexy,” I complimented her.

“Thank you, Diesel. I love these flowers.”

When she sat down, she placed her phone on the table and her screen lit up, showing my bruised face and swollen lips as her screensaver.

“Really, Grey?” I said while sitting down.

She followed my vision to her phone, and she laughed.

She smiled. “It’s a funny look.”

“Whatever man.”

The waitress came over and took our drink orders. We both ordered water and wine.

“No liquor tonight?”

“Nah. I’m straight.”


When she picked her menu up, I gazed at her. Every other second, she would flick her eyes from me to the menu.

“Please stop,” she whispered.

I reached across the table and caught her hand. She didn’t pull away, but she stared at our hands before looking at me.

“I’m not doing anything, Ms. Greysen. I can’t get over how stunning you look tonight.”

She tried to pull away, but I gripped her hand just a little tighter and started caressing the palm of her hand, applying the right amount of pressure while making my way to her wrist, pressing my fingers against her pulse. Looking around, she put her head down and then looked at me again. It was starting to race, but she was trying to conceal it. She no longer wore her bracelet, so there was no way to keep track of it. My eyes crept to her neck where the passion marks were finally starting to fade away. My mind slipped to when we were on the yacht and she was riding my dick long and hard, and all I could do was bite into her neck like I was a vampire. She’d made me her bitch and she knew it. I knew her mind was bouncing back to the last night we were together. She fucked me. I fucked her. We fucked each other. She was trying her best to break my stare, but she couldn’t. Not even the waitress approaching our table with our waters could. When her lips slipped apart, I released her hand and looked at the waitress. Her whole face was red.

“Any appetizers for you two,” she asked with a shaky voice.