Page 154 of Captivated By Danger

“Rachel, get the fuck away from me before I—”

I pinched his back when I realized that she had her phone in her hand recording. He noticed it too and laughed.

“Rachel, I have a restraining order on you, and you are violating that, and you are now adding trespassing to that list. You are working on having your child in jail. Move, Rachel.”

He walked me around to the passenger side of the car, making sure to stay in between me and the girl I now know as Rachel.

“You are nothing, but a rich coward!” She pushed him, but that didn’t bother him at all. “That restraining order is not going to stop you from taking care of this fucking child!”

He didn’t respond.

“Girl, if I were you, I would leave while you still can! The only thing he’s good for is fucking up bitches’ lives! I’m not the only one! Listen to me!”

He tapped the door handle before pulling it open. He picked my dress up, helping me inside. Once he closed me in, the car doors locked. I watched Diesel walk around the car and get in her face. I held my breath as Diesel pointed his finger in her face, millimeters away from her nose. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but she wasn’t as rowdy as she was. When he walked away from her, he popped the locks and snatched the door open.

“Now get the fuck away from in front of my car before there won’t be no child support to worry about!” He roared at her, making me jump.

When he slammed the car door, I jumped again. Rachel stood in place, testing Diesel. He started the car, revving up the engine and making the pipes roar. She stood in front of the car with her hands on her hips and her head cocked to the side. I took my eyes off Rachel when he started shaking the gear shift.

“Diesel!” I screamed his name.

He had one foot on his clutch, and I couldn’t tell which pedal his other foot was on. Looking back at Rachel, her face had started to change as if she didn’t know if Diesel would hit her or not. When the tires started squealing, both me and Rachel’s mouths dropped at the same time. Just as Rachel dove from in front of the car, Diesel peeled out, barely missing her, leaving her surrounded by black smoke and dust. He peeled out into the road, burning more rubber, and speeding down the street. My breath was caught in the back of my throat, along with the rest of my blood and organs because of how fast he was driving. I held on to the door and the middle console because I did not have on my seatbelt. When he finally came to a screeching halt at the stop sign, I started to sob. He looked over at me and then back at the road.

“Grey, I was not about to hit that girl. The fuck are you crying for?”

I pressed my hand against my stomach, trying to catch my breath.

“Are you dead ass, right now, Grey?”

Shifting the car in park, he got out and walked around to my side of the car and pulled the door open. He pulled me out of the car and I immediately moved away from him. There were no other cars or lights on this road, so getting help would be slim to none if I needed it. When he slammed the door, I gasped and turned completely away from him.

“Really, Greysen?”

He walked in front of me with his hands shoved in his pockets.

“I was not about to hit that girl!”

“You keep saying that, but… I don’t know.”

“You don’t know? You don’t know me now, Grey?”

I tried to turn away from him, but he followed my vision.

“I had my fucking foot on the brake the whole time, Grey! I only did my tires like that so she would fucking move!”

I shrugged my shoulders while shaking my head and wiping my face. “I don’t know. I mean, you put Kyle—”

“Kyle!” he roared. “We are not fucking talking about that nigga!”

“—in the psych ward,” I whispered.

“Why the fuck you still worried about him anyway? That nigga put you in the psych ward and rode off in the sunset with yo’ fucking cousin and you worried about him. Fuck outta here!”

“I’m just saying, Diesel! You put my child’s—”

“Grey! That is not your child’s father! I am not Rachel’s child’s father either! That nigga put you in a psych ward! Put you out your own house! Had you about to kill yourself! Plus, you told me that whatever I did to him, you wanted to watch. What the fuck changed now, huh? Because you realized that I ain’t on no bullshit, and I’m about what the fuck I’m talking about? If somebody fuck with you, they fuck with me! You so fucking worried about that fucking bum when you could look at your child’s death as a blessing because you don’t gotta deal with a nigga that don’t give a fuck about you for the next eighteen years!”

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. When he realized what he said, he grabbed the bridge of his nose.