Page 135 of Captivated By Danger

“How may I help you?”

She shook her head and she flopped down on my couch, crossing her thick ass legs. She had her legs, stomach, and cleavage out in a strapless two-piece set, covered in a brown sleeveless blazer. Instead of wearing her own damn rope chain, she had on two of mine. Ever since I told her that I loved her legs in heels, she couldn’t seem to take them off. Today, she had on what she called a chunky heel, and they fit her perfectly.

“You look cute. Where you been?”

She didn’t have class today, so she was still asleep when I left… in my bed, sprawled out, well fucked.

“Nowhere, really. I went to the sex museum and that was pretty cool. I took a few pictures and then I came here to see if you wanted to do lunch with me somewhere.”

I raised my eyebrow and laughed. “Do lunch? Have you found my mother’s organization or something?”

“No. I just been trying to leannn into this… you know… gold digger socialite lifestyle. What is it that they called me on that blog? Something like that. So, yes, I fully intend on falling into my role. You weren’t lying when you said that you elevate women’s lives. You know how many followers I’ve gotten on my Instagram that I barely even use since the blogs have posted the pimp and his newtrickee.”

“I really can’t stand you, girl. You know that?”

“Diesel! Are you talking? Did we lose connection?” One of the exec board members questioned.

I unmuted the computer. “No,” I responded and muted the computer back.

“Sooo, lunch, or no?”

“Yes, to lunch, Babygirl. Give me a moment.”

Even though I tuned back into the meeting, I still watched her out the corner of my eye. This girl really been running me fucking ragged for the last two weeks. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. She’d been taking advantage of it too and I’d been letting her. She’d tell me she wanted to go somewhere, and I’d talk shit at first, but then immediately, I’d cave and take her. I let her drag me all over the city, trying new foods, enjoying new places, trying to pretend to be grumpy the whole way, but I couldn’t pretend for long. I enjoyed seeing her laugh. I’m not going to lie, seeing Grey handle the scrutiny she got for being with me with class and humor made me actually like her… past what I originally felt about her. Shit was confusing me.

I knew I was slightly fucked up about her when the other Tuesday, the morning her seventy-two hours was up, I woke up and she was gone. I’d walked through the house like a mad man, pissed that her ass didn’t even give me the courtesy of telling me she was leaving, only to find out from my chef that she’d left early to meet with some of her classmates. I’d never been so fucking embarrassed in my life. I’d never acted like that over a woman and the first time I do, it’s in front of someone who I’d told that me and Grey were nothing more than a contractual agreement. When I looked at my phone, she’d already sent me a text saying that against her better judgment she was going to stay with me, and she couldn’t tell me to my face because I’d piss her off by saying something stupid and she’d leave just off principle. That made me laugh. Greysen was fucking hilarious without even trying.

“Alright. Quinci is going to get the notes typed up and emailed out. Make sure every date is locked into your calendar because I don’t want to hear any excuses about nothing. Have a good rest of your day.”

When Dymon ended the Zoom, I stood and grabbed my coat off the back of the chair. She was looking me up and down, shaking her head.


“It just really doesn’t make no sense how fine you are. Sometimes, I just be looking at you, like goddamn. Those tight ass suits. I be wondering how you stuff your dick in those pants. And your arms in those shirts. And that vest and tie combo, oh my God.”

“Stop trying to make me blush. Where are you trying to eat, woman?”

“There is—”

A knock on the door stopped her in the middle of her sentence.

“Yeah,” I called out.

My dad walked in with a folder in his hand.

“Son, I need to—”

I snapped my fingers just as he noticed Greysen sitting on the couch. He couldn’t mask the look of shock on his face. It shocked me too when she showed up here the first time and I didn’t tell her to leave. She’d brought me lunch that time and wanted to see where I worked. This was only her second time here and she strutted in here like she owned the place.

“Hello, again, Greysen,” my dad looked at me and then walked over to her.

She stood and shook his hand. From where I stood, I saw his eyes swoop over her body. Because of the comments he’d previously made about her, I immediately got pissed.

“Dad, how can I help you?” I said, breaking his trance off her.

He walked back over to my desk. “I need you to look over this and…” he paused.

I picked up the folder and pulled the papers out. My eyes widened when I read the top of the paper. It was paperwork for a legal separation from my mother. I was speechless.