Page 125 of Captivated By Danger


“Because you’re mine. He fucked with you, so he fucked with me. Plus, I need your mind present, here, with me and not on him bothering you.”

“Gee, thanks, Mr. Danger. How could I ever repay you? You really can’t just ever say something nice without saying something slick right afterwards. Oh my God.” I laughed.

“Put my dick in your mouth. That’s how you can repay me.”

I chuckled. “Oh my God. Can you not think about sex right now?”

“Actually, no. I’ve never had a woman share a bed with me and not have sex. I’m processing.”

“You’re serious?”


“Wow. I was kind of thinking I was a little special, sharing your bed with you.”

His eyebrows went together. “I said shareabed, notmybed. So, yes, feel special because I sleep alone.”

I shook my head. “Well, my mother says that I have seventy-two hours to get home or, I’m choosing you over my family.”

I held my breath, waiting for him to say something.

“What do you want to do?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“You do know.”

“I kind of want you to tell me to stay.”

“Well, I’m not going to do that. Obviously, your family is important to you, so I wouldn’t take that decision away from you. I don’t want you to feel like you’re obligated to be here because you’re not.”

“Oh. What about school? Would you be mad at me for losing your money?”

“No. I don’t go into things without thinking about the possibility of it not going the way I want it to go.”

He looked at the TV and then back at me. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him. Every other minute, he’d flick his eyes to me staring up at him.

“Okay, what I will say to you, Grey, is that at some point, you are going to have to start thinking for yourself and knowing what the fuck you want and getting that shit by any means necessary. You can’t let the possibility of people not fucking with your decision—family included—influence how you run your life. Living for other folks is not the wave, Lil Mama. You might not like what I’m about to say but fuck your mother. You remember when I first met your lil’ talkative ass and you told me that you were about to kill yourself over him. You told me that he had you committed to a psych ward for a couple days. Ask yourself why your mother would want you to come home to that. You finally got some peace, fun, and happiness in your life and she’s trying to snatch that away from you. Ask yourself why that is. And then ask her why she wants that for you.”

I let the tears slip from my eyes onto the pillow.

“That’s all I will say, but ultimately, it is still your decision. However, I also don’t want you to make a decision based on what you think will happen between us.”

“Okay. Thank you for telling me that, Diesel. I really needed to hear that.”

“Good. Now turn over and watch this crazy ass shit that you got me invested in.”

When I turned over, he pulled me closer to him, like he wanted me in his skin. He wrapped his arm around me, tucking his hand in my panties, and that’s how we eventually fell asleep.



The Next Morning…

Waking up, Greysen’s side of the bed was empty. For a split second, I thought that she’d left me, but I saw the light coming from the other side of the bathroom door. The clock on the wall read 9:30 A.M. I had to blink again to make sure that the time was right because I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept that long. Ten minutes had gone by, and Grey was still in the bathroom. Hopefully, she was in the shower because I couldn’t hold my piss no more.