Page 118 of Captivated By Danger

“You’re standing here in front of me in an outfit that’s no less than fifteen thousand dollars worried about another woman and what she’s saying about me. Greysen, I will not go back and forth with you about another woman. Bring your ass in this room.”

“It’s not about the cost of the dress when other women are getting the same dress!” I stressed.

“I’m sorry? I think that you are under the wrong impression here, Greysen. I told you that every girl I’ve hosted gets treated the same. You are getting emotional, and emotion has no place here.”

“You’re absolutely right. No emotion. Let’s just get this shit over with.”

He chuckled. “You looked beautiful tonight, by the way.”

I rolled my eyes. “You couldn’t tell me that in front of your dad, huh?”

His jaws tensed.

“You let your dad compliment me before you. You trying to pass me to him next?”

He squinted at me. If he wanted to piss me off, I’d piss him off too. I wasn’t putting up with no more of his Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde routine.

“If that’s what you want. You’re not the first.”

I made a mental note of that.

“Oh, good. I wonder if he can make me squirt. How about we just call him tonight? He did reference that I was looking for trouble. I’m still in the dress.”

H grabbed the bridge of his nose and laughed. “Don’t piss me off, Grey. You’re moving into the deep end. Don’t let that liquor get you fucked up.”

“Oh, that’s making you angry, huh? How is that pissing you off when you’re the one who agreed to give me to your father first?”

He was in my face in two strides, making me close my mouth.

“Take yo’ ass in that fucking room. The only mothafuckin’ thing you understand is when I’mmeanto you, and then when I’mmeanto you, you start crying and shit. I don’t want to hear that shit. Take yo’ ass in there.” He nodded his head toward the room.

I brushed past him and walked into the room.

“And drop that drink in the trash before you step on that floor, thank you,” he said after me. “You know you have a tendency to let drinks slip out of your hands.”

“Fuck you.”

I took more sips of the drink before I dropped the drink in the trash. He came in the room behind me and closed us in. He walked over to the TV in the corner and flipped it on.

“Why are you turning the T.V. on? Are you going to hurt me?”

He turned and looked at me. “Yes.”

I bit the corner of my lip.

“You’re doing that thing with your eyes that you do when you’re in trouble,” he said, so I started blinking like I had something in my eye. “It’s so unique that you can’t even do it purposely, Ms. Greysen.”

“But…” I paused when he went over to his cameras, reminding me of the picture that was in my journal.

“I thought you said that you weren’t going to read my journal.”

He pulled on the last of his blunt before putting it in the ashtray. “I didn’t read your journal.”

“The picture?”

“What about it?”

“How you didn’t read my journal, but you taped a picture in it? And what does #Reassurance mean?”