“Oh goodness. I wish I had a sliver of your confidence.”
“You will.”
She sat back in the chair with her glass of wine and put her leg up in the chair, getting comfortable. The second she parted her legs; I inhaled her scent. I had to settle down because if she knew I was enjoying the way she smelled, she’d close her legs, and never go pantyless around me again. She was the type to want to torture a nigga. She didn’t need to know the power she had over me.
“The other day, you said that you were introduced to this life when you were younger, and you liked it. An older woman introduced you to this?”
“No, my dad.”
She inhaled that drink right down the wrong pipe and she went into a coughing fit. She set her drink down and started patting her chest.
“I’m sorry?”
“My dad introduced me to this life. It’s not a big deal and don’t get all philosophical about it.”
She parted her lips and then closed them again.
“Your dad is the reason you’re so cold and mean?”
“If that’s what you feel about me, then—”
“Wait. Your mother is a…”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“But your dad is a…”
I nodded my head.
“So, if your dad is a… and your mom is not… so that means…”
I watched as the wheels started to spin in her head. Her eyes widened when she finally put two and two together.
She leaned over the table. “Your father cheats on your mother?”
“If you want to call it that.”
“There isn’t anything else to call it.”
“They have an understanding.”
“Theyhave an understanding, orhehas an understanding?”
“I’m thirty-seven and my parents have been together all my life. My mother is not dumb by far, sotheyhave an understanding as far as I’m concerned and I stay out of their business,” I spat, hoping to end this conversation because I knew it was about to go left.
“So, if you ever find a woman that’s bat shit crazier than you toeveragree to marry you, she’s going to have to be okay with you still shooting your semen in a bitch raw?” she snapped, her voice going up an octave, pissing me off, yet turning me on.
I sat up. “Absolutely.”
She sat back in disbelief as her eyes danced around the room. She looked as if she’d released the last of the breath from her body. She scoffed before chuckling to herself.
“In what part of your brain does that make sense? Will she be able to fuck whoever she wants and get nut shot in her pussy?”
“You’re treading dangerously close into choppy waters, Ms. Greysen. I’d pull back if I were you.”
I could see that wine got her ass going and I liked that, a lot.
“No. Answer my question, Sir! If you married me, you could fuck whoever you wanted, and I wouldn’t be able to?”