While they chased her throughout my place, I walked in the kitchen, grabbing her release form and taking it to the dining room. Her binder was already on the table. Ten minutes later, her screams got louder as Rozay walked in the room with her thrown over his shoulder. I waved my hand out toward the seat I wanted her in. When he dropped her in the seat, she glared at me, nostrils flaring. Rozay gripped her shoulders, keeping her in her seat. Even though she was very angry, she was very beautiful.

“What you gonna do now? Take me to the room. Spank me.”

“I know that’s what you would like, but your contract expired today. This…” I slid the manual in front of her and opened it to the first page. “This is something that you signed when I gave it to you. Detailed in this…”

“You approached me!”

Rozay’s hands tightened on her shoulders when she tried to bolt from the seat.

“I did. Do not interrupt me again. Detailed in this manual was everything you needed to know on how this relationship would go. Also detailed in this manual, many times, is that I will end this relationship whenever I feel like it.”

Water filled her pretty eyes. “But… but why…? Did I do something wrong?”

“No. I got bored. Now. In this release form, it states that you will get the car that you asked for, which is waiting for you in the garage, and the $100k you also asked for. See, here.” I picked up the pen, tapping the underlined portion in the release form. “Should you not sign this, you will forfeit both parting gifts and will leave here with nothing but memories. There will be a hold placed on the check for a month just to see how things play out. Now…” I stood up. “I have to go.”

Walking out of the dining room, Mona fell in stride with me.

“Is there anything you need?”

“Yeah. Call the cleaning people and get this place cleaned up and get her name off the guest list. Make sure her garage and elevator cards are deactivated if you can’t find them. Make sure she leaves out of the garage. That’s it. Enjoy your Saturday.”

“Got it. Thanks.”

Stepping on the elevator, I turned and nodded my head at Mona before the doors closed.

When I stepped out of the elevator, the security guard who bitched at me for parking my car wildly had his radio up to his lips.

“Told you I wasn’t going to be long,” I told the security guard.

“Yeah, but it’s not your job on the line. It’s mine.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

Jumping in my car, I burned rubber out of the garage.

My father introduced me to the art of controlling a woman and it changed my life forever. I’d been perfecting my craft for nearly twenty years. It turned me on to have a woman completely under my control, at my mercy. It was even better when they loved it as much as I did. It was easy to tell the difference between the women who were there for the perks and the women who loved it. Ironically, I loved the type of women that were only there for the perks. They didn’t particularly enjoy the lifestyle, but for a month or two, they could pretend, so they could get whatever they asked for. At the end of their stay, to see their eyes fill with tears, or rage—case in point, Rachel, when they beg me to stay, gave me so much pleasure.

A message popped up on my car screen from my assistant Mona letting me know that everything was all good and the cleaning company would be there in a few hours to get the place cleaned. As soon as I turned on the street of Danger Headquarters or DHQ, I saw my father leaned against the back of his car with his phone pressed against his ear and a smile on his face. Time had been good to him. If I kept my stress levels down and kept working out and eating healthy, I could look as good as him in my sixties. Making a sharp U-turn, I skidded in the parking space behind his car.

After killing the engine, I stepped out, stretching.

“Thought I was going to have to put an APB out on you,” my dad greeted me.

“Bullshit back at my place. Halfway here and had to turn around. Chick didn’t want to leave.”

He shook his head, grinning. “Which position you think did it?”

“When I ate her pussy against the window.”

“Taught you well.”

After locking my car, I unlocked the doors to the building, leading my dad inside.

“Jesus, my son is pussy-whipped. What is all of this?”

He was referring to the lobby looking like the springtime fairy threw up over it. There were colorful flowers all over. Small Easter baskets were full of chocolates and other types of candies. Quinci really livened up the place. For the most part, people loved it, and if they didn’t, they’d do well to keep it to themselves.

“Yeah, she got him hooked crazy. It’s all good though. It’s what he needs.”