When I sat in the car, Mr. Dymon’s eyes were glued to his iPad. The box and plasticwasin the center, so it had to have been new. He was so fine. He’d deviated from his normal sleek black suit to a black pinstripe suit. My eyes went to hiscrotch, and I had flashbacks of last night.
“Um, good morning, Mr. Dymon. I didn’t know you were going to pick me up.”
He looked at me and then did a double take. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it when Mr. Bernard stepped in the car. The sensual way his eyes swooped over my body sent chills up my spine. I wanted to touch him so bad, but I knew that he wanted to keep usa secretfrom everybody.
“Yeah. If you had of checked your work phone, which I never tell you to turn off, you would have seen that I—we have meetings today.”
“Relax, please. I am the one who redid your calendar. I know about the meetings.” Pulling out my phone, I sent him a text message.
Me: You’re trying so hard to oversell it that you are going to give us away. Everyone knows thereallymean bully always likes the pretty girl.
He read the message and then cut his eyes at me, and I turned and looked out the window, trying to hide my smile.
Mr. Dymon:Pretty hard to thinkstraightwhen I can still feelyour soft pussy lipsgliding against my tongue.
I sucked in my cheeks to stop myself from blushing. If this was who he became after one night, I wondered how he was with other women. I wondered if I wasn’t his assistant, would I be the one calling his job asking for a replay of last night. I wanted to ask him about her and if he went to go see her thenighthe dropped me off athome—or the night before last when he demanded Diesel take me home, when I left.
“Here. This is yours.” He handed me the iPadalong with an Apple pen. “For you to take good notes.A lot ofthis shitis just fluff, but jot down what you think is important.”
“Got it. I’m glad I wore my good suit then. I would have looked weird in my orange shirt.”
“I bet.”
I turned and looked at him. “So, tell mewhy my mom saw…” I paused and darted my eyes toward Bernard was looking out the front window. “Never mind. I know you don’t care about my business like that.”
I sat back in the seat.
Not giving us away was going to be harder than Ifuckingthought.
* * *
Mr. Dymon didn’t liewhen he said that we’d be in meetings all morning.He said that most of it would be fluff, and it was. The last one was kind of important because it was talking about some bad liquor being imported from out the country, so I made sure to take notes on that.
After that last meeting, I’d been holding my pee for sodamnlong that I thought my bladder might burst.I also needed to dash my face with some water because of how turned on Dymon had me in that last meeting. It was just a simple touch that was sending me over the edge. He and I sat near the back, and every now and then, he’d rock his legs, brushing up against my knee; that subtle touch made me want to have an orgasm.
After getting myself together, I walked out of the bathroom, nearly bumping intosomeman.
“Oh, excuse me,” I apologized, trying to get around him.
“Hey,” he called out.
I stopped and turned around. He was one of the club owners who spoke in the meetings. I remembered him because of hissalmon-colored blazer.
“Wayne. WayneBerry. How are you doing?” He stretched his hand out, and I reluctantly took it.
“I’m good. You?”
“I’m great. I noticed you in that meeting back there, and I tried to get your attentionbefore you bolted out.”
“Yeah. I drank too much water.”
My eyes darted pasthim, and I saw Dymon standing in front of his friend, Price. His hands rested in his pockets. He stood likehe had big dick energy.
“So, you work for Danger, huh?”
“Yeah, I do. I’m new, though. And to New York.”
I looked past him again to see Dymon, who looked directly at us. His glare got the attention of Price, and they both were looking at me.