Page 74 of Tempted By Danger

“Over half a million dollars, Mr. Dymon. Why?” I whispered.

“That was supposed to be confidential.” He chuckled. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out twomoreblunts and a lighter, setting them on the table.“Have a seat, beautiful.”

My mouth opened and closed. I was literally speechless, so I eased down in the chair, crossing my legs, and he sat in the chair across from me. The only thing separating us was the corner of the table.

“Hey, Quinci.” He looked at me and smiled, showing all his pretty white teeth. “You look… damn, girl.”

“Are you… you a…”

“I’m here, ain’t I?”

I nodded my head.

“You want something to drink? It might be a couple coolers in that refrigerator over there.”

Before I could respond, he got up and went and grabbed us a couple of coolers. He popped the caps on them before walking back over to the table.He was carrying on like he wasn’t my boss. I was going to have to see him in the morning. Are we supposed to act like none of this happened, when itwashe who had the strictest no fraternizationpolicy?

“I don’t… I don’t think I understand.”

He lit the blunt before opening the folder.

“Can you tell me what you’re doing?”

“About togo over this with you.”


“You want me to say it, don’t you? Say why I’m here? Say why I just spent over half a million dollars on my assistant, who I haven’t been able to get off my mind since the moment I laid eyes on her? Say why I’m breaking my number one rule. Is that what you want…?” He pulled on the blunt, releasing the smoke toward me.

Myclitstarted to thump. “Yes,” I choked out.

“Of courseyou do.” He smirked.

He pulled out the papers, flipping through the packet, and stopped on the page he wanted. Hesat back in the chair, gaping his legs open. That shouldn’t have been sexy, but it was. The way thisfucking mansits is turning me on. Iwas agoner.

“They asked for the characteristics you’d want in yourdominant,and you saidnurturing.”

“Which you are not. So, how did we match?”

“For the sake of a good discussion, let’s pretend that I am. What does that mean to you?”

“Exactly what nurturing is…being compassionate, providing emotional support, and helping one grow.Taking care of me.”

He raised his eyebrows. “I see.And you wrote down herebossy, demanding,knows how toset the rules, and expects obedience.Playful as well.Communicative.”

I nodded my head. “Anything you wanna say?”

“Not at all. Just reading over this.”

He looked at me over thepaper, puffingon the blunt before handing it to me.

I happily took it because I needed to calm my nerves.This man was holding a packet of some of my deepest, darkestsecrets,and I was close to losing my mind.

“You love kissing, intimacy,getting your pussy ate,being babied,being combative—ain’t that the fucking truth—and being dominant sometimes.”

I blew the smoke out slowly. “That’s right.You got something to say?”I took a swig of the cooler.

“You’re obedient and a pleaser. Slight masochist. Really? The baby likespain?Oh, you say right here,takes any type of punishment. Erotic humiliation.Shit. You’re nowhere near the innocent girl I thought you were.”