Page 69 of Tempted By Danger

“Fuckouttahere. Nah. He just trying to fish for someshit. See, now I dare him to evenfucking blowa kiss at her, andI’mmalet his ass go. Hehugher too long, heouttathere. Look at her too long, he gone. Nigga trying to watch me. Think he knows what I’m doing.”

Diesel laughed. “Nigga, hit this and calm thefuckdown.She too busy arguing with you to befuckedup about him.” He handed me the blunt he’d just rolled.

“And, man… to top it off, why she run into Jeff last night?He gave her an envelope. She plays innocent, but I believe she might be too innocent for that place.”

I was telling myself that, but you never knew.That was also why I paid the front desk girl handsomely to tell me if her applicationhit the system. She had until midnight to turn it in, which was already approaching, so if her friend got her to come out, she wouldn’t get it in, in time anyway. At least not for thisquarter’s new subs.

Ryan whistled. “Ain’t nobody got more game than him. Hegetyo’ bitch, and it’s over for you, bro. You better know that.Don’t he got, like, three women who know about each other?”

“Nigga, please.Thefuckthat got to do with me?Youneed toget off that dope if youthinkinghe could ever a pull a woman from me.”

Price shook his head.“Aw,shit.I just told this nigga yesterday that helovescompetitionfor some odd reason.Nowyou about to make this nigga put himself in a competition with somebodywho don’t even know they init.”

“I’m good. I’m just trying to remind Ryan who I am because hebuggin’right now.”

“Ahhh,youtight,” Ryan teased.

Everybody laughed, but I ain’t thinkshitwas funny.

Fiona came back ten minutes later, shaking her head and laughing at the same time.

“Can’t stand that bitch.”

“Damn, why you say it like that?” Price asked.

“Her ass was already on the way. She just wanted to hear me grovel and apologize. She’s crazy likethat.She said that she was pulling up in, like, five.” She looked at me. “Hope that’s cool with you, Dymon.Know y’all ain’t start off tight and all.”

“It’s all good.”

I wasn’t going to be here much longer anyway because Iwas hitting up some old pussy as soon as I walked out the door.

A couple of fine ass girls approached our section.One had on a black wig, and the other girl had on a red one.We had more than enough room for them, but Iain’t want them to come over here being louder than the music in the club.

“Can we come in?” one of them asked, and Dieselwaved them in.

They sat on both sides of Diesel, but the girl in the black wig was talking to Diesel, and the girl in the red wig scooted toward me.

“Hey. How are you? My name is Hazel. What’s yours?”


“Oh. That name is so cute. What yougettinginto when you leave here?”

I pulled on the blunt. “Notshit. You trying to…”

I paused when Inoticed Quinci approaching the section, making me take an extra breath of smoke.The smoke wenttoofar down in my lungs, and a nigga started choking.I ain’t choked on a blunt since I first took a puff of one. I tapped my chest a few times, getting myself together.

“Hey everybody.”

Both Price andRyan stood up, introducing themselves. She was a hugger because she hugged them both.

“Hey, Diesel. And friends. Mr. Dymon.”

I threw my head back, but I leaned forward and had to fix me a shot. If I looked at her again, my dick would break my zipper.She had on a black high-waist leather skirt, with a slit stopping in the middle of herthickthigh, anda white long-sleeve half-shirt showing off herslim waist andthick ass.The heels she stood in made her calves pop out. Her hair wasn’t in a bunlike it’d been all week; itwas down, curly with a part on the side.The color in her hair made it look even better, honestly. Different, but I liked it.

“‘Mr. Dymon’?” Price looked at me and then back at Quinci. “Nobody calls him that,” he added, laughing.

Ryan patted the seat next to him, but she ended up sitting across Fiona’s lap, showing even more of her thigh.