Page 63 of Tempted By Danger

“Jesus Christ. How have you lasted that long?”

“Patience.A lot of it.”

“You got that right. I’ve had it up tothe ceiling of DHQ with him,and it’s only been a week.”

“Eventually, you learn to ignore what you need to ignore and respondto what you need to respond to. He’s harmless. I promise.”

“I’m not sure about that.”

He smiled while shaking his head.

* * *

That Night

I sat in the corner of thebar sipping onmy secondSangria. I’d found this bar that was within walking distance of Lux.Metri’swas packed and barely had standing room, so I went somewhere else. This place seemed to be low-key, which was what I liked.

The rest of the daywas filled with a bunch of ordersfrom Dymon. He had me running from floor to floor like a chicken with its head cut off, and he enjoyed it, all while asking me to gather information for a proposal for his exec board. It was madness. He had me doing all that all while trying not to think of Derek having a fiancée and a baby on the way.It was like he knew what I was going through and was trying to amplify it bybeing meaner than normal.

When my phone buzzed, Fiona’s name popped up, and I instantly ignored it. When Ihad a few seconds to sit down, I fired off a very long and nice-nasty text message to her letting her know that she was full ofshitfor coming at me about her cousin when he had a whole fiancée and a baby on the way.I let her ass have it. While I was going in on her,I thought aboutthe time she started acting funny with me, which had to have been around the time that his fiancée had gotten pregnant. When something didn’t set right with me, I obsessed over ituntil it did. I even unblocked him from all social media, so I could compare dates.

A man sat in the chair across from me.

“I thought that was you. Malik. From the plane.”

“Oh my God. Hey, how are you?What are the odds?”

“I have no idea. What are you doing here alone? Haven’t met anyone at your new job?”

I shook my head. “Not really. Not enough to be asked to hang out yet. Maybe by the end of the month. Plus, I’m trying to get used to the job.”

“Yeah? Where are you working?”

“Assistant to Dymon Danger. I’m sure you know him. It seems like everybody does.”

“Really?” He perked up. “Yeah, I know him.”

“So, are you here alone? Or live nearby?”

Hestarted tapping on his screen. “Yeah, I live near here.This isactually oneof my favorite spots, by the way. It’s real low-key. The music’s not too loud and hardly any drama. I’m surprised you ventured into a place like this. It’snormally the older crowd in here.”

When I walked in and looked around, it did seem like only older people were in attendance, but it didn’t bother me, since I’d always been around older people growing up.

“I just like to vibe. That’s it.”


“Yeah. A club is cool every now and then, butI love me alil’ quiet lounge, most of the time.”

“I like the sound of that.”

Whenmy work phone buzzed on the table, I blinked slowly.Picking up the phone, I opened the message.


Subj:Hawaii Proposal: Didyou finish editing the first five pages?
