Page 58 of Tempted By Danger

“Danger Prison Headquarters.”

Dereklooked taken aback.“What? How?”

“You’re not going to have to wonder ifmy tea is not in my handand my assistant is not in her seat by the time I get in my office.”

I sighed. “Ah. The warden calls.” Leaning forward, I kissed Derek on his cheek. “Hope to see you around.”

I handed Dymon his teaand walked up the steps, pulling my phone out of my pocket toFacetimeKemba.Itwas approaching eight, so I knew that he wasalreadyat work. He picked uphis phone just when I was about to hang up.

“What’s up?” Kemba spoke when the call connected.

“Oh, God. That sun is so beautiful. Jesus. I miss it.Tell me why Derek and I just bumped into each other? And I didn’t freak out. I think he did. Hold on, I’m about to get on the elevator in case the phone cuts out.”

I got on the elevator, scanning my card to go to the top. When the doors opened at the top, Kia was in her seat with her phone to her ear, as usual. I waved at her and kept going back to my desk. Sitting down, I dropped my purse and propped my phone up on computer.

“Yeah, so… he looked completely surprised to see me. Askingme how I knew where he worked or something. It was such a weird exchange,kinda. I mean… it is weird. My life is such a joke.How out of all the jobs in the world, I get offered a job inhis building?” When I heard the ding of the elevator, I rolled my eyes. “Warden’s coming. Call you later.”

I ended thecall andlogged into my computer.It was Friday, so I hoped that there wasn’t much to do.Honestly, television made it seem like the assistant to a CEO was all work and no play.

I smelled Dymon before I saw him. He had on a crisp black suit, vest, and tie, looking sofucking fine. Ihated that his attitude and arrogance didn’t make him ugly;it made him sexier.

“Wenci. My office. Now,” he commanded.

Jumping up, I followed him into his office.

He turned his lights on,walked around hisdesk,and sat down. He leaned backin his seat, staring at me. When I shifted, he looked me up and down.

“Two things.”

“Should I get my notepad?”

He ignored my question. “This is my one and onlytime to remind you of the no fraternizing rule.”

My eyes widened. “What? Me and Derek?Oh, no you don’t have to worry—”

“Good.” He didn’t say anything else.

“Mr. Dymon.”


“You said two things.”

“Oh, yeah. What do you have on?”

“It’s Friday. I thought everybody wore jeans on Friday.”

This morning, Iwas so happy to put on jeans instead of recycling those skirts. I wentwith my favorite pair of blue jean bell bottoms, a whiteshirt, and black Vans.I thought I looked pretty.

“Isthat what it says in the handbook?”

“Not specifically. I took it upon myselfto wear jeansbecause it’s what I thoughtevery business does. I guess not. I’m sorry.”

His face changed like he wasn’t expecting me to say that. “In the future, we don’t wear jeans on any day.”

“Got it. Anything else?Or would you like for me to go change?” I smiled.

“If I was sure you’d come back, I would say yeah. But I don’t have time for your games today.”