Page 53 of Tempted By Danger

“Oh my God,” she gasped. “I told Diesel that he was buggingwhen he called me this morning and told me that Quinci got you in lust.”

“Whatever. My bad for calling you. I’m hanging up.”

“Okay, okay.What doyou want to know, D?”

“When you saw her? What made you think she was the onewho needed to work for me?”

“I don’t know. I’m a good reader of people,and I liked her little feisty attitude.”

“And it has nothing to do with this land that’s about to betaken by the bank?”

I’d just readthat on her file.

She got quiet.

“And did she accept the job because of her fiancé, or ex-fiancé, Derek?”

Denim sighed. “Shedoesn’tknowanythingabout any of it. Her and Derek are not in contactwith each other. Her motherwanted her to leave while they tried to get everythingsorted out. I offered her asix-monthcontract. So, yeah, I’m not tellingyou this for you to treat herbetter because I know she can hold her on with your ass. I’m just telling you because you were going to get on my nerves until I told you.Notreally surprising,butshe’d never heard of us.”


“Anything else you wanna know?”

“Nah.That’s it. I’ll hit you up later.”


As soon as I hung up the phone, I heard the ping of the elevator.She walked around the corner.

“Oh my God! It looks so beautiful.”

She waved at me before she sat down at her desk. I picked up the phone and pressed the number forher.

She picked up the phone on the first ring. “Mr. Dymon.”

“Can you come in here for a minute, Q?”

I heard her inhale a little. “Um, okay.”

Moments later, she walked in my office, pulling one of herAirPodsout of her ear.

“Yes,Mr. Dymon?”

“End the call.”

“Kemba, I’ll call you back.”

“After work.”

“Sure.Of course.”

She looked at her phone, poked her lips out,and put the phone in her pocket.

I leaned back in my seat.I really wanted to ask her about Derek outright, but I’d decided to go another way.I was looking for any reason to fire her ass honestly.I’d even try to see if I could fire her forconflict of interesttype shit because her family owned a couple of Bed and Breakfasts, but that would never fly in court becausetheir business didn’t even bring a quarter of what my business brought in, if she’d decided to sue for wrongful termination.

“Why did you accept my sister’s offer for a job at a company that you’d never heard of?”

She shrugged her shoulder. “I don’t know how to make this storyshort. You know you don’t like to listen long.”