Page 47 of Tempted By Danger

We hugged againbefore going our separate ways.It was nice to have a walk after that meal because I stuffed myself eating all that food.It didn’t take me long to get back to the building. When I walked up the stairs, the doorman stepped in front of me.

“Ms. Everly, I’m sorry. Mr. Danger said that you were fired and not permittedin the building.”

“Excuse me?Why am I fired?”

He pressed his earpiece, while nodding his head. “He said your lunch ended at one.”

I looked at my watch. “It’s literally 1:02,and I just spent one minute of that talking to you. Tell that dork to come and fire me himself.”

His eyes widened. “He said to give me your badge.”

“I said for him to come get it himself.” I pulled my phone out of my tote and dialed Denim.

“Hey, Quinci.”

“Yourbrother fired me, saying that lunch ended at one, when the doorman was literally in my face for a minute.He is so infuriating.”

Denim laughed. “Let me call you back.”

She ended the call.I started pacing in front of the building, trying to calm myself down. Five minutes went by before the doorman got my attention.

“Ms. Everly. You may enter now.”

I gave him a fake smile before going inside. Ignoring the looks from other people, I headed for the elevator.It opened as soon as I pressed the button. On the ride up, I tried to calm myself down because I could’ve been at the grove, doing something I love, instead of dealing with a man-childon a power trip.When thedoors opened,the look on Kia’s face changed.I approached her desk.

“Did you enjoy your lunch? I walked to the sandwich shop a few blocks over. It was really—”


I rolled my eyes before putting on a fakesmile andwalking away from her desk.Dymon’s door was already open, so he and I were locking eyes as I walked intohis office.

“Leave it open,” he instructed before I closed the door all the way. “Have a seat.”

“No, I’m okay. I might needleverage.”

He looked taken abackbefore reclining in his chair. “Leverage?”

I nodded my head. “Uh-huh.Just in case I have to remindyou that you’re talking to a woman.”

He sat up in his chair, reached across his desk, and tapped his nameplate.

“Do you see this?”

I raised my eyebrow in response.

“This has my name on it. Not Denim or anyone else’s. What I say around here goes. Do you understand me?”

“I understand that, but—”

He stood up, cutting me off.

“There are no butshere. Just because you know my sister, doesn’t give you the right tobreakthe rules. You have to follow everyrule ’round here just like everyone else.”

“I am capable of following the—”

“Don’t tell me thatyou’re capable of following the rules, show me.This conversation will never happen again because the next time you break the rules,you will be gone, and Denim will not be able to get your job back.Am I understood?”

My jaws clenched.“I understand.”