Page 40 of Tempted By Danger

“We going to Dymon’s office,” Denim indicated.

“He’s not in yet.”


“My apologies. I just thought—”

“Floor twenty-five, please.”

He pressed the button and swiped his card.

When the doors closed,my chest started to tighten. I’ve met hundreds of people, and most of them liked me.I didn’t know why I was so worried about this one man liking me. I was sure it was because I’d stared at his picture more than I’d liked tolast night. Everything about his face read mean, rude, and someone who I’d have to put in their place.And not to mention, he was one of the finest men that I’d ever seenin my life. Hopefully, his picture was heavily photoshopped, and he looked completely different in real life.

The doors opened intoa hardwood floor with a large desk;apretty dark-skinned woman sitting behind it, typing awayon the two iMac screens in front of her.



Even though I didn’t miss the shade in their tones,I smiled at her, while followingDenim down a short hall.

“This is where you’llbe sitting.”

The desk was slightly smaller that Kia’s deskandhad the same two mounted iMacs. That didn’t scare me at all because I wasproficientin technology and could learn whatever I needed to learn. The desk had small stacks of papers everywhere. She pulled a key out of her pocket and opened the office door.

“Why so much glass?”

“Who knows.”

“He’ll be able to see me the whole time he’s sitting at his desk.”

“Pay him no mind. I promise. He’s not as scary as people think he is.Plus,if you get tired of looking at him, it’s a button over there on the wall to frost the windows.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.”

In his office, Denim walked around his large desk and plopped down in his seat. It looked like it was comfortable. I walked across the room to look out the window.

“This is a beautiful view.I wonder if other people look into these windows?”

“They can’t see you.”

“Hmm.So, what is the other girl out there going to be doing?”

“That is…oh, here he comes.”

Suddenly, myheart started to race, and the thumping in my ears grew louder than my thoughts that were telling me to calm down.I turned around, staring at the door like an idiot.

“That’s what the fuck I said…”

Oh, God. His voice is sodeep andsmooth and…

“Denim, how the fuck you get in my…” He stopped and stared at me, prompting me to suck in some air.“Letme… let me call you back.” He slipped his phone in his pocket.

A knot formed in my throat, making it burn and literally unbearable to try and speak.I waved at him like a scared a little kid. He cocked his head to side like he was waiting on me to introduce myself.I cut my eyes to Denim, and she slightly nodded her head toward him with wide eyes.

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

His eyebrowsraised.