Page 37 of Tempted By Danger

“Nah, I’m good.”

The first bite of foodrefueled my drained body after a night of smoking, drinking, andfucking.It didn’t take me long to scarf down the food because I wasstarving.When I was done, I handed Josh the plateand left the bar.

“If I don’t see you before I get out of the shower, have a good one.”

Before leaving the room, I stopped at the table, picked up thehousephone, and dialed the service desk.

“Mr. Danger, how can I help you?”

“The woman who just left…”

“Gray, sir?”

“I guess. Can you take her off the guest list, please?”

“Got it. Done.”

I ended the call and placedit back on the hook. Walking inthe room that I sharedwith Gray, I snatched my phone up off the nightstand. The notifications still looked likeDMV numbers, but I’d gotten through nearly halfof them. My father didn’t lie about theshitbeing humbling because I hadn’t sent that many emailsmyselfsince I’d taken over the company.

In the bathroom, I set my phone on the sink and turned on the shower to let it heat up.The moment it vibrated, I looked at the ceiling and sighed. Everybody who had my personal number knew that Sundays were my day.Just like Saturdays were my day to unwind from thestress of the week, Sundays were my day to recharge for the upcoming week. People knew not to contact metoday. If someone hadn’t died and or a building wasn’t on fire, then it would wait until Monday. Ignoring my phone, I grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth.

After brushing my teeth, Igot undressed andhopped in the shower, stepping directly underthe stream of hot water. I looked at the floor,enjoying the water runningatop, before lying myhead backand letting the water spew over my face. Tracy was going to kill me when I went in the other room.As I cleaned myself, Itriedto push all theshitI had to do in the upcoming weekto the back of my mind, so I’d be able to focus on today. After thoroughly washing myself, I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist,leaving the bathroom.

Walking down the hall, I entered the room where my spa team waited for me.Theblacked-outcurtainswere already closed, the steam for the facial was going.The water for the pedicure was running. All the smells in the room werealready starting to relaxme. This was what my relaxation Sundays were filled with; a facial, manicure, pedicure,atwo-hourmassage andthenmeditation.

* * *

Threehours later,I sat cross-legged in front of the window, letting thesun shineon me.I was ten minutes into mythirty minutemeditation when my phone vibratedon the floor next to me.If my phone was ringing, it meant they’d called back-to-back, breaking through my donotdisturb barrier. Peeking at my phone, it was DenimFaceTimingme. Against my better judgement, I swiped and answered the phone.

“Dymonnn,” Denim sang into the phone as soon as it connected. She was in the backseat ofthe car.

“You either about to ask me to spend some money or you’re about to piss me off.”

“Neither. Guess what?”

“You’re calling me in the middle of meditation to play the guessing game. I’m hanging up.”

“Your new assistant flies in today. You should be very excited. And you should thank me.”

I didn’t say anything.

“Dymon, say something.”

“Denim, at the risk of me ruining my very relaxed morning, I won’t say anything. You’ve been running around for a week and have not told meshitabout who is supposed to be working for me.”

“Do you trust me?”

“Yeah, but—”

“If you trust me, then there are no buts. I was actually calling because I put them up inLux, and—”

“No, the fuck you didn’t, Denim.”


“Nah. Fuckouttahere.”I felt my blood pressure start to rise. “I’m hanging up.”

I ended the callbefore she couldpiss me offeven further.My friends, Ryan and Price, made fun of me for meditating, but if I didn’t, my head would have been explodedbecause of my family, on top of trying to grow the family empire.

I closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

Release the negative energy…