Page 34 of Tempted By Danger

“Wait, are people going to be able to just come and go like that? Is that safe?”


Momentslater, the man appeared with my luggage on the cart.

“Anywhere particular you want me to put these?”

“No, sir. I got it. Thank you, so much.”

He nodded his head.

Denim reached into her bag and pulled out her wallet. “Here you go.” She opened and pulled out a hundred-dollar bill.

“Thank you, Ms. Danger.”

She tippedmy mom a thousand dollars, so I knew she had a great heart.

“So, once you’re in for the night, you can lock the elevator. Before you ask, there are a set of exit stairs here too.”

“Great.You know I always have a question.”

“You do.So, DHQ isaboutthree miles away from here. At night, you can see the top of the building if the moon is bright enough. In the morning,Al and I will be here to pick you up at seven-thirty sharp. One thing about Dymon is that he is very particular about stuff.”

“That’s cool.”

She reached into her bag and pulled outa binder, opening it up to the first page.On that page was the headshotof Dymon Danger. His dark brown skin matched his dark brown his eyes. Not a hair was out of place on hisbald fade or his low shaven mustache and beard. The diamonds in his earsweren’t big enough to be flashy, yet not small enough to be missed.All his features were so freaking manly. His skin was perfect, even though I could tell he was heavilyairbrushed.His lips…

The book slammed in the middle of my next thought.

“Don’t.Quinci. Look at me. Do not, and I repeat, do notfall in love with himor think you can fix him or any of that.”

“Wha… what are you talking about, girl? He’s a handsome man. I can’tlook at him?”

“Yes, you can look at him, but that’s it.”

“Got it.”

“So, the only page you really need to lookat is page thirty-seven.Those are the only rules that my brother takes seriously.”

She pulled her vibrating phone out of her pocket.

“So, on that note, I am going to leave you to it. If you need anything, just call me. I’m one text away. I’m staying in the city tonight, so I won’t be far.Ihave togo prepare for a case.Here is your key.If you lose this, please let the front desk person know immediately.”

“Okay. Thank you for everything.”

I stood and walked her to the elevator. She waved at me as the doors closed.

* * *

Later that Night

It was aftermidnight,andI stared out at the busy streetsbelow me. Even though I was too nervous to eat, I’d finally ordered some room service.Surprisingly, there was a long list of stuff to choose from,and the foodie in me wanted to try someof everything, but I waited, choosing a bacon cheeseburger and large lemonade. I tried to stuff myselfenough to make myself fall asleep, but it didn’t work.

My nerves were keeping me awake. I’d even unpacked and put away all my things. The bedroom I was going to be sleeping in wasso beautiful, way bigger thanmy roomback home.Even after showering, and eating some more, I still couldn’t sleep, and that was how I ended upstaring out atthe street.

This was my firsttime being away fromhome, and I enjoyed being able to walk around with nothing but my t-shirt and panties on.Kemba was going to kill me, but I was about to wake him up. Iopened my phone and went to his name.

“For real?” Kemba murmured as soon as the phone connected.