Page 33 of Tempted By Danger

Denim spoke just as fast as she walked, but I didn’t have a problem keeping up with her.

“Some of the other amenitiesincludes a gym,umm, whatelseis around here… you’ll see. I hadn’t been in here inalong time. Maybe since it first opened.”

“That’s nice. Having a whole building that belongs to your family that you never ever frequent.”

She laughed. “You are so funny.”

Walking past the restaurant, westopped at aservice desk.

“You have to have a key or be on someone’s guest list to get past here. That’s why security is standing there.I already have your keys.If you ever need him, you can call him down, and they’ll send him up.”

I smiled at theservice desk and security guysas we walked by them.

“We have twenty-four-seven maintenance. Well, not necessarilytwenty-four-seven, but you have a number you can call if something happens after hours. Something that can’t wait anyway.”

We arrivedat the elevator, and she pushed the button.Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a hotel key card.

“This is your key card. You’re on the top floor, so you’re going to need this. Do not lose it.”

“Got it.”

When the doors opened, we walked on, and she scanned the card before pressing the top button.

“Wait.The penthouse? I’m getting the penthouse?” I whispered.“Oh my gosh. All my New York dreams are coming true in one week. Hallmark and Lifetime type movies always make penthouses look immaculate.”

She laughed. “You’re getting apenthouse suite, yes.”

“All thenew employees getthis perk?”

“No. Only employees that we recruit from out of town and need help with relocation.We have other suites, but this was the only one that was available.”


Seconds later,thedoors opened intoa small, wooded foyer.When she kicked her shoes off, I did the same.

“Oh. My. God. This place is beautiful.”

Straight ahead,I waswowed bythe floor to ceiling windowsand the other tall buildings. The kitchen was chef-inspired with silver appliances.The carpet was so plush my feet sankinto it while walkingacross it.The living room was spacious with different art pieces on the walls. There was a large flatscreen mounted on the wall atop a fireplace that I couldn’t wait to use. Looking out the window, the view was perfect.Looking around, I jumped when I saw the chairs.

“Is that a balcony?”

“Yes. The doors are in the master bedroom. It’s two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Most times, people relocate with their families, so we want everyone to be comfortable.It’s a small office in here too.”

“Wow.” I turned and looked at her. “Can I ask how much thiscost a night? Just an estimate.”

“Um… a non-employee of D&D, it might run them aboutfive grand. You,three thousand.”

My eyes widened. “Is that coming out of my check?”

She laughed. “No, girl. This is yours. Now, after six months,I don’t know what you and Dymon are going to work out, but, hey… that’s between you all. Come, sit.”

I walked over to the couch, folding my leg under me.

“Wait. Are you hungry or something?”

“Yes, but I think I am too nervous to eat.”

The ding of the elevator got my attention.