Page 31 of Tempted By Danger

“Ms. Danger told me that you would probably have on an orange shirtwith big hair.”

I smiled while nodding my head.

“Alfred, but everyone calls me Al,” he introduced himself while leading me outside.

When I stepped outside, the warm sun felt amazing. My watchread eighty-five degrees, which would beawarm dayin Citrus Grove. We walked across a busy crosswalk and down the sidewalk. Approaching the car,the door opened with Denim sitting in the backseat—her laptop in her lap, and her phone pressed to her ear.She threw her hand up when she saw me.She and Roy had checked out three days later, but not before exchanging informationafter I told her I’d try the job out. We weren’t in contact again until she sent the flight information to my email.

“Ms. Everly, would you like for me to put your cooler back here?”

“Oh, no. I’ll keep it.”

“Okay.” He closed the trunkand walked to the other side of the car, opening the door for me.

“Oh, thank you, so much!”

He smiled before nodding his head.

When I slid in the car behind the driver’s seat, he closed the door and hopped in behind the wheel.

“You made it.How was your flight?”

“Thetakeoff was a little rough, but I’m here. Oh, the most embarrassing thing happenedto me on the airplane. I could have squeezed through that tiny window and used my tote as a parachute.This man ordered a bloodyMary,and I was texting my friend about it, and Siri read the message out loud. You could have bought me for a penny.”

Denim covered her mouth and laughed.

“Ms. Danger, you were right. She is going to be perfect for DHQ,” Alfred stated.

“I know.”

“DHQ?” I looked from her toAl, who was looking out the front window.

“Danger Headquarters.”

“Oh. Where are we headed now?”

“To your apartment, where you’ll be staying. I think you’ll love it.”

I heard Denim, but I was focused ontheworld outside. “Wow. It’s so beautiful.”

“First time visitingNew York, Ms. Everly?”

When I looked at him, he was staring at me in the rearview mirror,with a smile on his face.

“Yes, Mr. Al. It’s always been a dream to visit here…” I looked at Denim. “But she and my mom conspired to get me here. It’s only a trial run, though.”

He chuckled. “Oh, I know.Can’t wait to talk to you again in… six months?”

I nodded my head.

“Is traffic always like this?”

It seemed like we’d only made ita couple miles away from the airport.

“Yes. For the most part.”

“Wow. This is crazy.Can I let the window down?”
