Page 29 of Tempted By Danger

Thefucking pointof theAirPods.

My faceand throatwereon fire, like I’d downed adoubleshot ofRum.The way my heart thumped, I thought I was about to go into cardiac arrest. I’d never been so embarrassed in my life, and I’ve busted my ass in front of the whole townbefore.I’ve truly never thought about dying, but at this moment, I wouldn’t care.

“Here you go, sir,” the flight attendant said.

Now my eyes felt like they were burning. The smell overtookhis cologne.

He started to chuckle. “The more you try not to make it awkward, the more awkward you make it. At least you didn’t lie,” he quipped.

I turned and looked at him. He had on a suit, looking important.His brown skin looked flawless under the sun that shone through the window. He was bald, with a salt and pepper beard. I wouldn’t be able to guess his age for a million dollars.

“I. Am. So. Sorry,” I choked out.

He smiled before picking up his drink, taking a sip of it. I tried not to scrunch my face up, but it was hard. He pulled it away from his lips before running his tongue over it. I had to turn my head because I was equally disgusted, still embarrassed, and slightly turned on.

“Malik.I’d shake your hand, but tomato juice.”

“It’s fine.”

I continued to stare out the window. My phone vibrated in my hand, but I was scared to look at it, fearing that Siri would just blurt out again. My phone had never done that before, and I hoped this moment wouldn’t plague me long.The flight attendant got on the microphone, lettingthe passengers know that the flight was full and people needed to check their bags. I couldn’t look at Malik again, so I focused on the small TV in front of me.Noticing that I didn’t have any headphones, I sat back in the seat, still trying not to look athim.

“You have to ask for the headphones.”

“Thank you.”

I continued to stare ahead.When the pilot announced to the flight attendants to prepare the cabin for takeoff, my stomach started to churn. I’dread a few articles on how to prepare for your first flight. When the plane started to back up, I latched ontobothof the armrests with the back of my head pressed into the headrest and my eyes clenched together tight.

Lord, please. Lord, please. Lord, please.

“First flight?”

I nodded my head quickly.

He chuckled.

“Sir, I have to take this glass.”

“Here,havea piece of gum.”

I held my hand out, and he put the stick of gum in my hand. Quickly, I put it in my mouth and latched back onto the arm rest.

“Where are you from?”

“Citrus…Mhm.” the plane jolted again.“Citrus Grove.”

“Ah. My next questionwas going to ask where or what was on your shirt.”

I’d had on one of my orange shirts that you could get from the gift shop.

“I’d never heard of that.”

“Most people haven’t.”

When the plane started speeding down the tarmac,every bone in my body tensed at the same time. As the plane lifted into the air, I clenched my ass cheeks tightly.This was theabsolute worstexperience, and I had to do this one more time in six months.

“See, look. Easy.Open your eyes, Quinci.”

My eyes shot open, and I looked at him. “How did you know my name?”