Page 26 of Tempted By Danger

Tears slipped from my eyes.

He slowly raised his left handand wiped my tears away. “You’re going to be greatat whatever it is that you do. You know that me and your mom are only one call away.If you need anything… didMomgive you the credit card?”

“Yes, she did. And my grandmasthink I didn’t see them slipping some money in my purse.”

“Yeah, theyalways thought we didn’t feed you and your brother enough.”

That made me laugh.In sad moments, he joked around. He hated to cry in front of other people.


“Go ’head before your mombe mad at me.”

I hugged him and kissed his cheek again. At the bottom of the stairs, I looked back up at him and waved again. Outside, Kemba was putting my bags in the trunkof my mom’s car. He closed the trunk and looked at me.

“So, this is it, huh?”

“Just for six months, Kem.”

We embracedtightly. Ever since we were younger,we’d been stuck to each other like glue.The only days we went without seeing each other was when we were on vacation with our families.He pulled away from me and kissed my cheek.

“After you get settled in, I’m going to be on the firstflight out.”

“Of course.”

“Move, boy. Taking up all the hugs.” Granny Jomoved Kemba out of the way and wrapped her arms around me. “Oh, God, I am going to miss you so much, but I believe you are going to enjoy it. Send me a lot of pictures.”

She kissed mycheek a couple of times before opening the backdoor of the car for me. My mom and Granny Anne were going to drive me to the airport. Denim got me a semi-early flight.Thankfully, New York and Citrus Grove werein the same time zone.

“Y’all be careful. Love you, Quinci,” Granny Jo said.

Both my grandma and Kembacontinued to wave while we pulled out of the driveway. Looking upstairs, my dad stood in the window staring down at the car.

“It was something about that Denim girl’sspirit that didn’t sit right with me.”

My mama looked at her. “Mama, your spiritdoesn’tsit right with any out of towners.”

“Hmph.” She turned and looked out the window.“Not just any out of towners. Rich out of towners.”

“We are not poor.”

“No, weare notpoor, but we don’t have the money sheand her familyhave.She comesaroundhere andsees that tall stallion inthe backseat and said, ‘Yeah, I need her in New York.’ She gets outthere,we’ll probably never hear from her again.Quinn, you promise not to get wrapped up in no crazy, satanic mess?”

“Grams, please, okay?” I laughed. “I know how to take care of myself. And don’t be mad at me. Take it out on your daughter-in-law.”

She looked at her. “I know. Bernalways running herdamnmouth. She been that way since she was young.Still don’t know how her and Quest got together. She talks too damn much, and my Quest don’t talk enough.”

My mom shook her head.

When my phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out to see that Quest Jr. wasFaceTimingme.I answered the phone, and he connected to the oneAirPodin my ear. When his face popped up on the screen,he was smiling.From his background, I could tell that he was on the beach. He was lying back in a bluebeachchair withthe pair of Cartier frames on I got him for his birthdaylast year.

“What’s up, baby sis? I wanted to call you before you got on the plane. I know you scary as hell.”

“Shut up, Q, but I am terrified, though. Very terrified, but I got first-class seats, though, so do you think that will help?”

“Hey, Quest Jr!”

“What’s up, Mama? I miss you.”