Page 23 of Tempted By Danger

“Love you, too.”

Sitting down, I unlocked my computer, hoping to get some work done.Before I could pick up the firstpieceof paper off the first stack, my desk phone rang.I pushed the speaker button without looking at the caller ID, knowing I’d regret it.


“A sexresort?”

I inhaled and exhaled slowly. “Hello, Dad. Pleasetell Roger to stop calling you about what’s going on here. That doesn’t seem like taking a step back to me.”

He chuckled. For the most part,he stepped back, letting me do me.I knew that Roger kept him updated more than I would have liked him too.

“Okay, but a sex resort?”

“Dad, I think it’s a good idea.”

“Hmm. Well, I’ve trusted you this far, but I think it needs to be discusseda little more.”

“Okay, is that what you called me for?Roger told you to say that to me?”

He didn’t say anything.

“I do know what I’mdoing, Dad, asit isevident over the last four years.”

“Mhm. I hear you. I would like to have a conversation with you face to face soon.”

“If this is your way of asking me to come todinner, youknow that my days over there are Mondays only.”

“No, it wasn’t. Let’s grab a drink or something soon.”

“Okay. I really need to get back to work. Denim said she found mean assistant, but I won’t meet her… or him… until next week.”

“Him?” he perked up before laughing.

“I know, right? She plays too damn much to begin with, butno,really, I have to go. I’ll look at my calendarto see if I have some space in there somewhere.” I sighed.

He chuckled. “Oh,how I remember those days of trying to fit people into my calendar.”

“You’re notdyingor nothing, are you?”

“No. At least, I hope not. My last physical was stellar.”

“Alright, Dad. Ihave togo. Later,” I said and ended the call.

When he turned the company over to me, he stayed on as a silent member of the board, meaning he still got checks, and would be the deciding vote if we were deadlocked.The case regarding my fatherwas over with those girls because they were only money hungry; at least that’s what they said in the emails that were sold to the tabloids. What most people didn’t understand was that we were in a new era and money made people do strangeshit. According to the emails, they were going to just set him up by threatening to send my mom pictures of them ifhe didn’t give them 500 grand. Their plan could have worked if my mother wasn’t used to my father’s indiscretions. The most they could have gotten out of my father was $50,000. He would have never paid a bribe of 500 grand.

My father could have easily come back to work, buthe decided it was time to stay home with my mom. After those two girls came out, a few morecame out, so it was very embarrassing for her. I kind of felt bad for Mom honestly. So, he stayed home, and they did the rich folk song and danceputting out a statement about working through this privately and more hoopla. I stayed far away fromthat shitasIpossibly could, and that’s why it was in bold in the employee manual.

When my phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out to see that I had a text message from my dad.

Duncan Danger: Doing paperworkkeeps you humble.

Thatpissed me off, but I didn’t have the time to respond to him. Thefucking nerveof him to talk about being humble.As soon as I put myphone on do not disturb, my office rang. I snatched it up.

“Yeah!” I barked.

“Um, um, um…”

“Spit it out!”