Page 181 of Tempted By Danger

“Kind of? Are you kidding me? You loved it there. And it’s what you’re good at. I now hope that your parents know that you are the chosen one and not him. Beijing pulled out, and he didn’t know what to do. You would have, though. You been at work all day. I bet you got them back, didn’t you?”

I couldn’t help but to smile. “I did.”

“Well, since we are going to be living in New York, I might have to apologize to…” She sighed in annoyance. “I’m going to have to apologize to Cruella De Vil and Scar for disrespecting them in their home.”

I covered my mouth with my fist to hide my smile. My baby didn’t hold back.

“Baby, can I call you in the car?”

“Yes. Yes, you can. But I need to tell you…thank you for protecting me and not backing down from my father or Derek. It’s what my father would want. Even though he’s been grunting around here all day because I been worried sick about you…and Declan. I love you, Dymon Danger. I just wanted to tell you that in case the plane crashed tomorrow or something.”


“Sorry, I still have a fear of planes. Anyways. Call me in the car. Later.” She ended the call before I could tell her that I loved her back.

I looked at the phone and then back at my parents, who wore shocked looks on their faces.

“Well, she’s a piece of work…but, I like her,” Mom stated, surprising me.


She nodded her head. “Everything she said was true. However, I can tell that she’s very protective of you and it’s all a mom would want for her son. Hmm. Cruella De Vil, I’ll take it, but the nerve of her.” She couldn’t help but to chuckle.

My dad stood up. “Well, we are going to let you get to the car, so you can call Ms. Quinci back.”


I stood and grabbed my jacket.

“Oh, and thank you for the empty office around the corner. I’m going to work on filling it once I get everything re-situated.”

He nodded his head.