Page 179 of Tempted By Danger

The Next Day

Just like the past few years, Bernard had a cup of tea for me when he pulled up to pick me up. I had on a pair of shades to cover up the scar that had swollen and welted more than I thought it would. My lip was still slightly swollen, having gone down significantly after icing it a lot. I didn’t even noticed how bruised my hands were until I’d finally gotten in the shower.

“Did you enjoy your vacation?” I asked him.

He looked in the rearview mirror at me and nodded his head. “Yes, I did. Spent a lot of time with my kids and my wife. What about you? You’re back here. I’m driving you to work. And it certainly looks like you enjoyed your vacation.”

I chuckled. “Well, a few pots boiled over, and I had to clean the excess off the stove.”

He chuckled. “Ah, I see.”

“I was down in Citrus Grove and had to put Derek on his ass. It felt good. Declan call himself having a heart attack—”

“I’m sorry?”

I waved him off. “Just a panic attack. My dad groveling for me to come back. Even hugged me. Can you believe that? Told me that I had a huge incentive if I showed up today. So, we’ll see what that is.”

“And Ms. Everly?”

That made me look at my phone to see if she’d called or texted, but she hadn’t.

“She’s mad at me right now, but we’ll get past it. She found out in the worst way that her family was losing The Grove. That’s what gave me even more pleasure of knocking his ass out. I hope he comes back and tries that shit again. Anyway, that city is something, and I can see why she’s so proud to be from there. The people are funny and amazing, especially her grandmothers. You should meet them.”

There was a slight tug of his lips. “She has you wrapped around her fingers.”

“She does. She does, and I’ll admit it.”

I talked about her and my trip down there until he came to a complete stop. I couldn’t believe that I had so much to say after only being down there a little over twenty-four hours. He got out and opened the door for me.

“Stay by the phone. Not sure how long I’m going to last.”

He nodded his head.

Opening the door, the place looked differently, not much, but slightly. When people noticed me, their eyes widened. Walking over to the receptionist, she looked as if she was holding her breath.

“Can I get a key to the top floor?”

“Um. Sure. Yes.”

She handed me the card. “Um, kinda glad to see you, Sir.”

“I bet.”

The elevator guy wasn’t at his post. Even the elevator ride up felt raggedy. When the doors opened, I expected to see Kia sitting at her desk, but she wasn’t. A few boxes were spread on her desk. Walking down the hallway, I peeked in Diesel’s office to see him on the phone. He threw his head back.

Keep going, he mouthed.

I squinted before walking down the hall where Roger’s office was. When I made it down there, his office was empty, as if he’d never been there. That had been his office for as long as I could remember, and it looked brand new—ready for the new person to move in. If that was the incentive that my dad was talking about, then it was already good for me.

Back in my office, it looked completely different as well. Declan couldn’t wait to change shit around. I wasn’t going to let it make me mad because today was a new day.

* * *

It was a little after seven,and I was lying back in my chair, staring at the ceiling. I’d been on the phone with our investors in Beijing for hours fixing what Declan fucked up. I didn’t know that someone could fuck up so much in just two weeks.

The knock at the door got my attention. When I looked up, both my mother and father were standing at my door. I waved them in.

“What can I do for you two? Coming to see how much Declan messed the company up within two weeks? I was just leaving by the way.”