Page 159 of Tempted By Danger

She didn’t say anything.

I turned and looked at Dymon. “Tell her how you feel, Mr. Dymon. This is your chance. You won’t have another one.”

“Nah. I’m good.”

“You sure? Becauseif you’re sure, then we can leave.”

“What’s he going to say? About being born? About being sent to Wyoming? What? He’s been holding on to that for fifteen years now. It’s time to let that go. It’s getting old,” Declan hissed.

“And that’s his right to hold onto something that he hasn’t healed from. It’s very easy for you to say when you got the love and support from your familythat he didn’t get. So much so, that you’re afraid to ask your brother for something that you know he’s good at. That is cowardly,at best.”

“Quinci, can youjustleave, please?” Denim said.

“No problem.”

When I stood, Dymon grabbed my wrist, sitting me back down.

“When I needed both of you, you weren’t there,” he spoke calmly.“And when you were there, you made it about yourself. I couldn’t even have my high school graduation to myself. Everything I’ve done, you made it about yourself. You sent me away becauseyou didn’t want to be a parentanymore, at least to me.”

“You recorded an orgy, Dymon. What was I supposed to do?”

“You were supposed to be a parent. Parenting doesn’t stop just because your child does something unsavory. You know what I was doing at sixteen? Having sex. And guess what? My mother and father didn’t send me away. They sat me down, talked about the importance of condoms, and not messing around and getting a baby. Even talked about the possibilities of birth control. They didn’t send me to the top of Timbuktu because I was having sex. Mr. Dymon was just a little bit more than you wanted to handle—an embarrassment, your words—and decided that you would let someone else deal with him. Imagine a child—because yes, he was still a child—hearing that his parents called him embarrassing. Embarrassing for whom? Your rich friends?”

“Quinci, baby, I got it…Mother. Father. I got over the shit of me not being born out of love because I love Metri todeath,and she’s been such a blessing to me and the company. I got over that. What I didn’t get over was the fact that I changed, and you two didn’t.You’re still the same. When you needed me, I came—granted, it was at Diesel’s force, but I was still here. And I still did what you asked me to do. For the last four years, I gave that company my blood,sweat,and tears, and I didn’t getone ‘I’m proud of you, son’ or none of that, but Declan wants to do somebullshitass app, and he gets all the accolades for being mediocre. I just realized, at this very moment, that everything I’ve been doing was for theapproval of two people who would never give it to me, regardless of what I did. I realized that I was the happiest when I wasn’t here and only seeing you every other year.”

“Dymon,” Denim called his name. Water filled her eyes.

He already told me that they were the closest out of all his siblings, and Diesel was averyclose second.

“So…” Hestood and grabbed my hand, standing me up. “Effective immediately—”

“Dymon, don’t do this,” Diesel urged, all but forced.

“Iquit. Declan can have it. Roger. Whoever.” He looked at his father. “And you. You let Roger hire someone who hurt me to my core just to make me quit, and you did nothing. You said nothing. I can’t and I won’t respect that, ever.”

My mouth hit my chest.I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I was not expecting him to do that.I wasn’t expecting him to say any of that.

“You won’t see me again.None of you.”

No one said anything as he walked around the table and got on his knee next to Donovan. I knew that he gave Donovan the love and affection that he wished he’d received.The kisses. The hugs. It’s what heneeded as a child. Dymon grabbed my phone and took my air pods out of his ear.

“Uncle Dymon. You crying? Are you okay?”

“Yes. I am now. You know I love you, right?”

He nodded his head.

“You know you can call me anytime you need me, right?”

He nodded his head.

“Can I have a hug? Uncle Dymon is about to leave.”

“Where are you going?”

“Home. For now. Can I have a hug? A good one.”

He wrapped his arms around him as tight as he could.Dymon stood and hugged him even tighter, making him laugh. He planted kisses on both his cheeks. He grabbed my hand, leading me out of the kitchen.The minute we were outside, I started to sob.

“Mr. Dymon, I am so sorry. I really am. I overstepped. I shouldn’t have said anything.My intentions were not for you to quit your job. You love that job.”

He wrapped his armsaround me, pulling me closer to him and crashinghis lips against mine.When I was about todeepen the kiss, he pulled awayfrom me.

“Quinci, you did the best thing for me in there that anyone has ever done for me.I can’t thank you enough. If I had a ring, I’d propose to you right now, but I want to do things the right way. Meet your family and ask your father.”

I sobbedeven harder. “Really, Mr. Dymon?”

“Really, Quinci.That made me fall in love with you if Ihave tobe honest. Thank you for standing up for me. I needed it. Now let’s go. I need to be inside of you.”

Through my sobs, Igrinned. I knew tonight was going to be so good.