Page 144 of Tempted By Danger

“Can I ask you a personal question because you kind of glossed over it at the restaurant?”

I nodded my head.

“Your parents still treat you like the black sheep; even though you kind of put the company on your back?”

“You’d be surprised.”Ilitmy bluntand pulled on it.

She stared ahead as if she was in deep thought before she looked at me. “Fuck them.They should be kissing your feet.”

“I agree.”

“Oh, this is my song.”

She climbed in my lap and startedswayingherhips. “Call me crazy, but I think I found the love of my life,” she mouthed to me while gripping my chin.

While she mouthed the words to Jazmine Sullivan’s song“Let it Burn,”I hung on to every word as I worked my hips under her. TheshitI was feeling for this girl was crazy, and something I’d never felt before. It was too strong, almost like her little ass was some type ofparanormalentity sent hereto suck every ounce of life out of me. She pulled on her blunt, leaned forward, blowing smoke in my mouth, like I wasn’t full of my ownshit.

She started kissingand biting on my neck, while she was still grinding on my crotch.

“Princess, what are you doing?” I groaned.

My dick was already sitting on brick.I had to pull on my blunt hard to calm myself down.

“I can’t wait to feel that cold ass chain down the crack of my ass tonight.”She nibbled on my ear.

“Shit.Youtalkinglike that, you must want a preview?”

In response, she ground on my crotch even more. Because she had on her jacket, the people around us didn’t seeme using one hand toslowly slideher dress up over her ass,onto her waist.

“Mr. Dymon.” She gasped.“What are you doing?”

“I’ll stop if you want me to. You know that.”

“The wine…and whatever thefuckis in this…whew, is going straight to my pussy. I’m afraid if you pull this sizzling ass pussy out, I will befuckingyou right here, Mr. Dymon.”

“Your mouth gets so fucking reckless when you intoxicated.”

“Is that what got your dick hard under me?”

“Hell yeah. Andthe fact that Ican feel your hot pussy while yougrindingon me.”

She pulled on the blunt one last time before putting the bud on the tray. The DJ switched the track to one of the nastiest songs he could play“Anytime,Anyplace”by Janet Jackson.The seductive grind she did on my lap had me on the brink of busting a nut.When I tried to reach between her legs, she stopped me and pushed me back against the couch. She stopped grinding and started bouncing softly on my dick.

Staring in her face, I couldn’t believe that she let me skeet on that pretty mothafucka.I pulled on my blunt while staring dead into her eyes. Suddenly, I started to feel the wetness seep into my pants. I sat up and put the blunt out because I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to taste her.

Suddenly, it seemed like it was only me and her in the area. I crashed my lips against hers, and she greedily accepted my tongue, sucking on it. Reaching between her legs, I ripped the stockings in the middle, inhaling her scent. Her fat ass pussy lips soaked up the thong.I tugged atthe string of herKegelballs, making her moan in my mouth.

“Squeeze,” I commanded her, still tugging the string from side to side.

“Oh my God.”

She reached between us, finding the zipper to my pants, unzipping them. While she fished for my dick, I continued to assault her lips. I loved sucking onboth of themat the same time, plumping them up even more. The moment she freed my dick, she rubbed her thumb over my head, smearing the pre-cum over it.

Pulling away from my lips, she whispered in my ear, “It’s approaching ovulating time, Mr. Dymon.”

“Lift up and sit on my dick, Princess.”

“Are you…are you sure,” she panted.