Page 141 of Tempted By Danger

“Do that thing you did on the jet and order for me.”

“I think I can do that.”

The waitress came over with a smile on her face and poured waterin our glasses.

“Hello, I’m Millie. I’ll be your waitress for today. Do you need more time to look over the menu?”

I shook my head. “Millie, please bring Mrs. Danger a bottle of Screaming Eagle, and me a double shot ofMacallan 18 with one rock. For appetizers, bring us the crab cakes and escargot. For the meal, I would like the duck with everything on it, and she would likethelamb,medium-rare, withglazed carrots andthe wedge salad with blue cheese crumbles and a side of ranch.”

“Got it,” she replied while taking the menus off the table.

She leaned forward and whispered. “That was so sexy.Will you marry me?”

I met her in the middle and pecked her lips. “Don’t tempt me.”

She smirked. “So,can I get into your personal business?”


“You know I was working in your office last week, right?”

“No, I didn’t know that, but okay, yeah.”

“Your high school diploma is fromWyoming? And I looked the school up…and it was a boy’s school.”

“That’s right. What’s the question?”

“Why? Was that, like, a boarding school?” she whispered.


“Like…why? Why were you in a boarding school?”

“It wasn’t a torture chamber. You can talk regular. My parents were on somebullshit.Me and my friends participated in an orgy, recorded it, and yeah.”

Her mouthfellopen.

“It didn’t help that they were the daughters of some politicians. So, after that, I was cool on them, among other things.”

“What’s the ‘among other things’?”

The waitress brought our drinks out. I hadn’t talked aboutthis shitwith anyone in a long time, but itseemed soeasy to talk to her.I cracked opened the bottleof wineand poured some in her glass.

Sensing some hesitationfrom me, she said, “You know that you can trust me, Mr. Dymon.”

“That’s whatscares me, Princess. I trust you…a lot.”

Her face told me that she was confused by what I said, but I wouldn’t go into it.

“You were raised different from me, a lot different. I can tell that you were raised in a family full of love and fun. Game nights? And othershitlike that, right? Funshit, right? You were probably created out of love andshit. Your people tell you how you were conceived?”

She nodded her head with a confused look etched on her face. “My parents weretwenty-five when they had me. According to my father, he was working late at the Grove, and my mama popped up with his dinner, looking good, and apparently, he wanted more than dinner.”

“See, that’s nice.When my children ask how I was conceived, Ihave totell them that I wasn’t made out of love. Ihave totell them that I was created to save the life of my sister, and that was it.When I was born, I matched with my sister, and that’s it. Denim too, but she didn’t match. If Denimwould’ve matched, I wouldn’t be here. If Metri wasn’t born sick,both me and Denim wouldn’t be here.After that, the focus was just on getting her better. I never knew why my parents didn’t raise me until the day before I was sent to Wyoming. That’s when I found out. And that’s when everything came together for me. Ever since then, I was the black sheep.”

Her eyes filled with water before she grabbed my hand, rubbing the back of it. “I am so sorry. You didn’t deserve that.”

“It’s okay. Don’t feel sorry or cry about it. I turned out fine.”