Page 139 of Tempted By Danger

“Now, I have you guys scheduled for dinner at eight, is thatstillokay?”

I looked at Quinci, and she nodded her head. “Yeah. I could use another nap.”

“Eight it is.”

We followed her inside to the private elevator,and shehanded me our keys.

“Well, I hope that I get to see you before you leave, but if you don’t, let me give you another hug and don’t be a stranger.You’re insix-zero-five.”

Once we were on the elevator, I looked down at Quinci, who was looking straight ahead.

“Don’teven start. Me and Shan are just friends. That’s it.”

“I know, Dymon.”

“How you know?”

“Because any girl who you’vefuckedwould not be that happy to greet you, let alone hug you as tight as she did. Her handshake was firm and tight, and her smile was real. Her eyes didn’t linger, nor did she try to be sarcastic. So, no, you did notfuckher. Why not? She’s pretty.”

“Wait. Wait. Wait,” I retorted while shaking my head. “Women have a wholechecklist on what to look for when their manintroduces them to a woman?”

She turned and looked up at me. “My man? Ooh. But, yes!Every woman has one, and men have one too. If I introduced you to a man, you’d definitely want to know if Ifuckedor not.”

I shrugged my shoulder slightly because she had me. I’ddefinitely wantto know if she let a nigga fuck herpretty assface the way I was fucking her face last weekend. It would plagueme until I found out. Iwould have to know if I had something to worry about when it came to her. I would never share her. If I had to spend another half a mil, I’d do it.

Once we were in the room,Quinci looked around in awe. The presidential suite was the largest suite that you could get here. Twelve hundred square feet.Two bedrooms. Best view of the mountains and the pool. I watched as Quinci stepped out on the balcony.

“This is so beautiful. You had this built? Or, did you buy it?”

Ijoined her outside,wrapping my arms her. “Well,a little bit of both. It was originally a hotel that caught fire about ten years ago. The ownerwas in the process of renovating, but got too in over his head, and he put it up for sale. I was sopissed offat not having a place to chill and relax with no camerasflashing and people wanting to talk about business, so yeah. Honestly, I never expected this place to take off like it did, especially with the no phones thing, but it works.The list of celebrities who have come here to get away from the world is a mile long. To even get a room here, it’s a waiting list.”

“Oh, wow. I’m not going to even ask how you were able to get a room on such a short notice because you’re just going to tell me that your name is on it.”

“Actually, a rapper had this room booked for two months straightto get some writing done, so I was able to cut in on his time for my lady.”

She turned and looked up at me with the biggest smile on her face. “You better stop talking like that.”

“Or what?”

The doorbell got our attention.

“Saved by the bell literally because I was about to bend you over.”

She grinned before gripping my crotch and walking away.

* * *

That Night

Quinci and I stood in the mirror, snapping pictures on one of the disposable cameras that Shan had in the room. I couldn’t front; we looked good together. The stylist dressed us appropriately for the weather because it got down in the forties this time of year. I told her that I loved when Quinci wore heels, showing off her long legs, anddresses that complimented her shape.She’d picked outa black and whiteturtleneck houndstooth-patterned dress with black stockings and a pair of those tall ass Christian Louboutin shoes with a black overcoat. She lookedfucking sexy. My pants were the same pattern as herdress,and Ihad on a black turtleneck.

“You look so handsome that I could skip dinner and have you instead,” she stated while snapping a picture of my reaction.

“If my stomach wasn’t touching my back,I would take you up on that offer.”

“Of course.” She fixed a couple of hercurls in her hair. “I think I’m going to dye it all black. Do you think I’m too old for the little strips of color?”

“Nah, it’s actually pretty cool.”