Page 128 of Tempted By Danger

I stood in the mirrortugging at the skintight leather dress that I’d picked up from Denim’s stylist on the way home. She told me she knew my measurements and the dress would fit like a glove, but her ass didn’t sayanextra small glove.It was a strapless and made my cleavage sit up like I was fresh off the surgery table. My waist was cinched, and it stopped mid-thigh. At least it was tight enough, so wind wouldn’t be able to sneak under it and show off my everything I had to offer.

The stylist recommended that I only paired this dress with a pair ofleatherSo Kates, and those shoes hurt worse than any heel I’ve ever put on.Those shoes were only made for walking to sit down and look pretty. Anything longer than that, andmy feet would be numb.I made sure to put a pair of pretty flats in my purse in case that was the situation.I’dtwistedmy hair and parted it so that the blonde highlights were showing more than the other color.

Looking at my phone,it was approaching ten, and Bernard would be downstairs waiting on me.Grabbing my purse, I left out of the guest room, where I’d put my things, and walked out into the living roomto see Dymon on the couch, shirtless, in his briefs, watchingtheTV… on mute.His left leg was stretched out, showing off his thigh muscle and the thick veins in them. Everything about that man was sexy as hell, and if I didn’t hurry and get out of his house, I’d be on my knees pulling his dick out.

When my heels clicked against the floor, he noticed me, and then did a double take, and then a triple take before he was on his feet, walking toward me.He stood in front of me, not letting me walk by him.

“Mr. Bernard is waiting on me downstairs. I don’t have time for yourshittonight.”


“I was invited to a party at the 40/40 club.”

“Wearing that?” He rubbed his hand down his head.“You look so fucking good right now.”

“Yes, I will be wearing this, and thank you.” When I tried to walk around him again, he stopped me. “Dymon, what? It’s obvious you don’t want to be around me, so why are you stopping me right now?”

Because of these tall ass heels, westood eye to eye.His eyes told me that he was high as hell.I could tell that he wanted to say something.

“Just like I thought. Move. Please. And I won’t be coming back here tonight. I’m going back home. At least the silence there will bebetter than the silence here.”

When I tried to move around him, he grabbed my elbow, stopping me.

“Wait, Quinci.”

I slowly turned and looked at him.His hands were behind his back, but I could tell he was nervous about what he wanted to say.I’d never seen him look so vulnerable.

“Look, I stayed away from you because you’re annoying. You’re sofucking annoying.”

My face dropped. When I opened my mouth to respond, he held his hand up.

“And Ilike it.Too much, Quinci. I could listen to you talk for hours… about anything. I could watch you stare into space while you chewed on the end of a pen cap for hours on end.I don’t likehow much control you have over me.This is different for me.Youliterally live with me. Workwith me. And I still don’t feel like that is enough time. There.I said it.”

I tried to hide my grin, and my cheeks burned because of it. “But… that still doesn’t tell me why you stayed away from me.”

“Because I have to start weening myself off you. You’re leaving in December, remember? If I pull back now…”

“Well, don’t you think that’s childish? Our relationship is about communication as well. You see how easy it was to tell me that you love me, instead of trying to fight it.”

His eyebrows went together. “That is not what I said.”

“In so many words, it is what you said, but I won’t force you to say it.Where did you stay last night?”

“Your apartment.” He walked back over to the couch. “Ifucked,like, six of those oranges up.Don’t be mad.”

“It’s okay. My momsends a few every week.”

He nodded his head. “Cool. You can go to the party. I’ll be here when you get back.”

I stood and watched him for a few moments while he looked at the TV. “Why are you watching the TV on mute?”

“Because I can read.”


I stood here for a few more moments, watching him before he looked back at me.

“What, Quinci? I didn’t tell you how sexy you lookedalready.”