Page 11 of Tempted By Danger

“What kind of job?” My mom rounded the cornerinto the dining room.

I shook my head and looked at my plate.

“Executive assistant.Her degree would work well forthe company, honestly, I believe. Have you ever heard of the hotel chain D&D Suites?”

My mom and I both shook our heads.

She smiled. “Oh. Well, that’s who I work for.It’s my family’s company.”

“Oh, thatsounds nice. See. That’s what I’m trying to do for the B&B one day.”

“You’d learn a lot, I believe.”

I squinted at her.“I’m not smart-smart, but I think this could be a conflict of interest.”

She shook her head. “Not in the slightest. Trust me.”

“Well, on that note, I am going togoget my things for work. If I don’t see you when I come back down, I love you.” I leaned over and kissed her temple. I stood up and gathered my plate. “Nice to meet you, Denim.”

After clearing my plate, Iwent upstairs to my room to change myshoes andgrab my work bag.I freshened upmy sunscreenbefore grabbing my Apple watch and phone off the chargers.After making sure I had everything, I left my room and walked down the hall to my parents’ room. Itappedon the door a few times before pushing it open.

“Dad, you sleep?” I whispered.

“No,” he whispered back, making me giggle.

He was lying on his back with hiseyes closed and his hands resting on hisstomach.

I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.Bernettemay have pushed me out,and given me her grade of hair,buteverything else came from Quest Everly Sr;oval-shaped face,chocolate skin,fulllips, medium-sized nose,deep set brown eyes, and even his big ears.My dad was almost a complete 180 from my mother. He was the typical dad; very overprotective, never wanted to see me cry sad tears, and would talk about burying anyone who did.Even though Mom and I were closer, he and I had our own special bondthat I wouldn’t change for the world.

“I just wanted to see you before I head to work. How are you feelingthis morning?”

“Alil’ pain, but nothing a couple of pain pills won’t fix.”

“Andddd,doing everything the physical therapist say do.”

“I’msure she’s overstretching me sometimes.”

“Well, the quicker you listen, the quicker you’ll getback to your job. You know the doctor said he’s not going to clear you untilthe PT clears you. And you keep getting on her bad side.”

He shifted a little in the bed. “I’m only on her bad side because she’s trying to use the guest hall for her reception for a fraction of what it normally cost… again.”

I shook myhead. “If anything, you need to charge her more.Isn’t this, like, the fourth marriage?”

He laughedbefore shifting in the bed. “Don’t make me laugh too hard, now. I heard yourloudmouthassmama trying to ship you off to New York.”

I leaned over his legs resting my elbow on the bed. “Yeah, what’s up with that? Are you all trying to make anew kid or something?”

“Me and your mother are one tick from fifty.Please. You and your brother aremore than enough.”

The walkie-talkie soundcame from my watch before I heard my mom’s voice. “Quinn, the milk.”

I pushed the button onmy watch. “On the way down now, Mom.”

My dad shook his head. “I told you not to show your mother thattrick. You know she’s never going to leave you alone. Get out of here. I’ll see you later. Facetime me later, so I can seemy baby.”

“Me or the tree?”

“Both of you.”