Page 116 of Tempted By Danger

She layher head on my shoulder and cried, telling me that was how she wanted our wedding to be. Before I could correct her Freudian slip, she told me that she knew what she said. My dumb ass kissed the top of her head and told her she could have whatever she wanted.

She was going to be the death ofme,and I think she knew it.Before the end of the movie, she was lying in my lap, covered in a blanket, knocked out, with me playing in her hair.Every now and then, she’d shift but didn’t wake up.

This was new.

It felt good…great,even, but it was wrong.

She was an employee, and I’d crossed the line.

My phone lit up on the couchwith a message from Denim.

Denim: ?Carnival.

Shit. I had forgotten about thatdamncarnival. I knew that if I didn’t take her, she’d go byherself,and I didn’t want that.She was grown and could do what she wanted to do, but.

“Princess.” I tugged her ear a little bit.


“Would you liketo go to the carnival, still?”

She rolled off the couch and looked at me. “Seriously? I thought you weren’t going to take me.”

“I figured something out.”

She smiledbig. “Okay, let me freshen up. And don’t put on black because I am wearing black, and we are trying tomake it less suspicious.”

“Got it, Mama.”

* * *

I’d just backedin next to Diesel’s truck. When Denim hopped out the passenger side, Quinci looked at me.

“I didn’t know they were coming.”

“I had to improvise. You told me that you really wanted tocome,and I really didn’t want you to come alone, so, yeah…”

She poked her bottom lip. “Awe,Mr. Dymon. Careful. I might think you actually like me.”

Before I could ask why she think I didn’t already like her, she leaned over and pressed her glossy ass lips on mine. I pulled back and stared into her eyes, and she smiled.

“You are sofuckingpretty. You know that?”

“Thank you for telling me. It makes me feel good.”

WhenI got out the car to open the door for her, she’d already opened it.

“Uncle Dymon!”

He jumped out of Diesel’s arms and ranaround the car to me.

I scooped him up, giving him a kiss onboth his cheeks. When I looked at Quinci, she had her hand pressed against her chest, and her bottom lip poked out.

“He is the cutest little thing. Can I hold you?” she asked.

Without hesitation, hejumped into her arms, wrapping his little arms around her neck.

She hugged him and pressed her cheek against his. “What’s your name, handsome?”