Page 7 of Tempted By Danger

“My decision isDymon,and my decision is final.”

“Um, I’m cool. I am going to move toTexasand do my ownshit. You can let Declan have it.”

“My decision is final.I will not say it again.”

I shook my head. “You know I don’tcare about this business.”

“You seem to care about this businesswhen youare swipingyourAmex card. You don’t care about this name orbusiness,but you still use itwhen you trying to get something or get in trouble. So, I don’t understand where the pushback is coming from.”

I stood up. “The pushback—”

“Ain’t nobody standing up but you. Sit down,” he commanded.

I plopped down in the seat.“The pushback is because I have never worked in this family business, and I don’t care to learn.”

“You got two weeks to learn.”

I kissed my teethand waved him off.

“Dad… what are you doing? Why are you doing this?” Declanstood up andpleaded.

“Didn’t I just tell Dymon to sit down?”

He plopped back down in the seat, with a scowl on his face,while shaking his head.

“Diesel, say something!” my mothershoutedat him.

Denim and I looked at each otherwhileboth Declan andourmother shouted at my dad and Diesel.

Diesel stood up.“Everybody, quiet. I recommended Dymon because he hates this family,so he says, and he’ll succeed out of the spite he has for our name.I know it’s a weird way for me to look at it, but I got faith and trust in him. Declan, you ain’t nothing but a kiss-ass. You would dotoomuch to try and prove shit to our father,and you’ll lose sight of what you are supposed to be doing,which would have you making badbusiness deals. However, I did have a caveat that if Dymonfucksup at the end of one of fiscal year, then he is free to pass it over to Declan.”

WhenI squinted at Diesel, he smirked.

“Then my decision is final…” my dad assured and stood up.“Bring everyone back in.”

Overmy dead bodywill I run this company.